Hodnocení a sledování průběhu veřejně politických opatření (včetně politiky podpory zdraví) je, zejména v rámci diskurzu na poli veřejné politiky jako vědní disciplíny, chápáno jako nedílná součást tvorby a realizace veřejné politiky, která by měla přispívat k naplňování demokratických principů ve veřejné správě. Vlastní evaluační praxe, a tedy i konečný smysl hodnocení, se však může značně lišit od odborných akademických metodologických doporučení a deklarací v rámci strategických veřejně politických dokumentů. Cílem předkládaného článku je na základě systematické rešerše vytvořit teoretický rámec pro exploraci a porozumění evaluační praxi v politice podpory zdraví na národní úrovni (včetně podmínek, které na ni mohou působit) a představit zjištění některých zahraničních autorů, kteří zkoumali jednotlivé případy evaluační praxe., Public policy (including health promotion policy) evaluation and monitoring is considered, especially in the discourse on the ground of public policy as an academic discipline, to be an integral part of public policy creation and implementation, which should contribute to promotion of democratic principles in public administration. The particular evaluation practice and hence the very meaning of evaluation, may differ greatly from academic methodological recommendations and declarations included in strategic public policy documents. The aim of the article is to create a theoretical framework which can be used for exploration and understanding of evaluation practice in the health promotion policy at the national level (including various conditions which can influence the evaluation practice) and introduce some of the findings of authors dealing with particular cases of evaluation practice., and Eva Tušková
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of FDP in patients with ocular ischemic syndrome. Material and methods. The material for this study is based on results of a comprehensive examination and treatment of 53 patients with a diagnosis OIS. The average age of the patients was 57,8 ± 6,82 year. 19 of them women, 34 men. 27 patients entered to the main group (1) which received standard therapy in combination with intravenous FDP (fructose 1,6-bisphosphate). 26 patients in the control group (2) received standard treatment. Results. In applying the FDP combined with comprehensive therapy in the main group resulted in increased of visual acuity by 32.8%, parameters of retinal sensitivity by 17.8%, reducing the area of scotomas compared with patients of the control group. Optical coherence tomography registered significant changes in the dynamics in patients of the main group - reducing the edema and restoration of RNFL and ONH. Recovery of visual function may have contributed neuroprotective activity of the drug FDP by a protective effect on nerve tissue, reducing the effects of hypoxic stress. Conclusions. The use of standard therapy in combination with FDP in the treatment of ocular ischemic syndrome has a positive effect on the course of the disease, thereby, increase of visual acuity, a decrease in sectoral loss in vision fields, the positive dynamics OCT parameters, improving hemodynamic parameters at Doppler imaging in dynamics., Dilbar Makhkamova, and Literatura
INTRODUCTION: A previous study has employed shear-wave ultrasound elastographic imaging to assess corneal rigidity in an ex-vivo porcine eye model. This study employs the same modality in vivo in a rabbit eye model in order to assess lens, ciliary body and total ocular rigidity changes following the instillation of atropine and pilocarpine. METHODS: Ten non-pigmented female rabbits were examined. Measurements of the lens, ciliary body and total ocular rigidity as well as lens thickness and anterior chamber depth were taken with the Aixplorer system (SuperSonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France) with the SuperLinear™ SL 15-4 transducer in both eyes at baseline as well as after pilocarpine and atropine instillation. The IOP was also measured with the TonoPen tonometer. RESULTS: Changes in rigidity in the examined areas following atropine instillation were statistically not significant. Ciliary body rigidity was significantly increased whereas lens and total ocular rigidity were significantly reduced following pilocarpine instillation. The decrease in lens rigidity following pilocarpine was significantly associated with the respective increase in ciliary body rigidity. CONCLUSIONS: Shear-wave ultrasound elastography can detect in vivo rigidity changes in the anterior segment of the rabbit eye model and may potentially be applied in human eyes, providing useful clinical information on conditions in which rigidity changes play an important role, such as glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation syndrome or presbyopia. and E. T. Detorakis, E. E. Drakonaki, H. Ginis, N. Karyotakis, I. G. Pallikaris
Projekt PROFICIO zahrnuje 20 klinických studií hodnotících účinek evolokumabu na výskyt kardiovaskulárních onemocnění včetně jeho bezpečnostního profilu a tolerance. Většina zařazených studií sleduje průměrné procentuální snížení koncentrací LDL-cholesterolu za 10 a 12 týdnů podávání evolokumabu ve srovnání se vstupními hodnotami. První výsledky byly prezentovány na přelomu srpna a září 2015 na kongresu Evropské kardiologické společnosti (ESC) v Londýně. Do této subanalýzy bylo zařazeno 3 146 pacientů, kteří absolvovali jednu z vybraných studií 3. fáze klinického zkoušení a kterým byl evolokumab podáván v dávce 140 mg s.c. 1krát za 2 týdny nebo 420 mg s.c. 1krát za 4 týdny. Hodnoty LDL-cholesterolu se po evolokumabu snížily v jednotlivých studiích o 56,5–74,9 % ve srovnání s placebem a o 36,9–44,9 % oproti ezetimibu. Výskyt nežádoucích účinků se nelišil od skupiny užívající placebo. Klíčová slova: evolokumab – projekt PROFICIO – LDL-cholesterol – kardiovaskulární riziko, The PROFICIO project includes 20 clinical studies evaluating the effect of evolocumab on the incidence of cardiovascular disease including its safety profile and tolerance. Most of the included studies follow the average proportional decrease of LDL-cholesterol concentrations over 10 and 12 weeks of administering evolocumab as compared to the input values. The first results were announced at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London at the end of August and beginning of September 2015. This subanalysis comprised 3146 patients, who underwent one of the selected studies of phase 3 clinical testing and who were administered a dose of 140 mg s.c. evolocumab once in 2 weeks, or 420 mg s.c. once in 4 weeks. LDL-cholesterol levels decreased after evolocumab by 56.5 – 74.9% in the individual studies as compared to placebo and by 36.9 – 44.9% compared to ezetimib. The incidence of adverse effects did not differ from the group which used placebo. Key words: evolocumab – PROFICIO project – LDL-cholesterol – cardiovascular risk, and Pavel Kraml