Segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1942, issue no. 32A, reports on a workers´ holiday organized by the Reinhard Heydrich Foundation for Workers´ Recuperation in the village of Věšín u Blatné. Holidaymakers walk through the health resort´s gate. Morning exercise in the courtyard. A waiter carries plates full of food across the outdoor dining room, people are eating. Footage of holidaymakers enjoying leisure activities, an improvised boxing match, swimming in the pool, playing water sports. A view of an entrance arch with a sign saying "Welcome to the Workers´ Health Resort".
Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 51B from 1943 depicts the Youth Basketball Championship organised by the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth and held in the Great Hall of Lucerna Palace in Prague from 10 to 12 December. The boys´ final was won by the Central Bohemia I team, who beat the Brno Region I team 27:13. The girls´ final was won by the Brno Region I team, who beat the team from Polabí 17:5.