x, Isnt current psychoanalytical and psychotherapeutic al effort to support internal change of the client the analogy of old effort to transformation? Would you consider such method to something other than a spiritual effort to spiritua l growth around 150 years ago? Wouldnt one have seen it as spiritual practice? The lecture attempts to recognize and name "Concept s from elsewhere" - psychotherapeutical concepts "borrowed" from another, more original - s piritual context. With help of this paradigm author looks at concepts such as: attention, presen ce, alertness, memory, freedom, relationship, and some typical concepts and contents of psychothe rapy such as transference, act and dream. He tries to understand why the other / similarly es sential concepts / were on included. For example penance and sacrifice. In conclusion, he returns to psychoanalysis, his ba sic approach, and context of its origin. He is trying to identify why psychoanalysis - the "indivi dualist vision" remained "distanct" to religious content. And he meditates why and how Jun gian psychoanalysis /the second approach of the author / completes this essential "gestalt", and Šikl, J.
V našem článku prezentujeme případ podkovovité ledviny s jedním sběrným systémem a jediným zkříženým močovodem a pyelolitiázou. V anglickém jazyce byly dosud celosvětově uveřejněny pouze čtyři publikace popisující případ podkovovité ledviny s jediným zkříženým močovodem. Prezentujeme náš postup při léčbě třicetiletého pacienta s touto vzácně se vyskytující vrozenou malformací a objemnou nefrolitiázou, uvádíme přehled dostupné literatury a nabízíme možná vysvětlení., The present study reports a horseshoe kidney with a single collecting system and a crossed single ureter associated with pyelolythiasis. An association of a crossed single ureter and a horseshoe kidney has only been mentioned in four previous reports in the available English literature worldwide. We present our management of a 30‑year‑old patient with this rare congenital malformation and a large stone burden together with a review of the current available literature and suggest explanation., and Sabler I. M., Stav K., Cooper A., Siegel I. Y.