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6252. The politics of cultural retreat :
- Creator:
- Vushko, Iryna
- Type:
- text and monografie
- Subject:
- Dějiny zemí střední Evropy, byrokracie, dějiny politické, Habsburská monarchie, světové dějiny 1789-1918, and politické dějiny, politici
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
6253. The politics of gender culture under state socialism :
- Type:
- text and sborníky
- Subject:
- Globální společnosti. Sociální struktura. Sociální skupiny, gender, socialismus, otázka ženská, vztahy ženy-muži, zahraniční periodika a sborníky, Československo 1945-1992, gender, sex, prostituce, and ženská otázka, rodina, děti, životní úroveň
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
6254. The possibilities of mr tractography in diagnostics of symptomatic epilepsy in children with different genesis
- Creator:
- Aminov , Khabibulla
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this article the possibilities of MR tractography in symptomatic epilepsy patients have been presented. We determined the quantitative standards of numerical values of diffusion of white matter in children with symptomatic epilepsy of various etiology. In children with symptomatic epilepsy, the pathological changes of white matter were localized not only in the epileptogenic, but also in the opposite hemisphere. The regions with abnormal white matter FA and ADC values not only matched to limbic circle zones, but also to areas of intra- and interhemispheric connections uniting the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes of the brain. Determining the specific clusters of brain tracts in symptomatic epilepsy, regardless of etiology, is important to predict the prognosis of the disease and the likely possibility of cognitive impairment. The study proved that symptomatic epilepsy is characterized by a variety of changes in the white matter of the brain tracts that lead to the dissociation of certain regions of the brain, interrupting connections between cortical and subcortical regions and inhibiting the transfer of information. It can be concluded, that diffusion-weighted imaging are much more sensitive to the structural and metabolic changes occurring in the brain, in comparison with conventional MRI images., Khabibulla Aminov, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
6255. The prevalence of arterial hypertension and its risk factors toward hiv-positive persons in fergana valley
- Creator:
- Mirsaydullaev, Mirzoulugbek and Mamasaliev, Nematjon
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Background: The data on the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) in patients with HIV/AIDS vary. Even though some authors have reported higher prevalence of high blood pressure and systemic arterial hypertension in this group, compared to the prevalence of AH in subjects without infection, other studies have found similar prevalence of AH between men and women with HIV and individuals without the infection. In Uzbekistan such researches were not conducted yet. Objective: Evaluate the prevalence of prevalence of arterial hypertension and its risk factors at the HIV-positive persons of Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. Methods:A cross-sectional study aligned to a cohort of patients with HIV/AIDS. The study considered hypertension at levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg or use of antihypertensive drugs and prehypertension at levels > 120/80 mmHg. Results: Out of this total, 138 patients (48%) were male and 149 were female (52%); 65% of them were 40 years-old or younger, and other 35% were over 40 years of age. Among the individuals evaluated, 184 (64.1%) had blood pressure within the normal range, 62 (21.6%) were considered prehypertensive, and 41 (14.3%) were considered hypertensive. Twenty five patients (61%) knew they had hypertension, and 9 of them (36.0%) used antihypertensive medication on a continuous basis. The blood pressure levels were controlled in only 5 (20.0%) patients that knew that they were hypertensive. Conclusion: Among HIV-infected persons, 21.6% were considered prehypertensive, and 14.3% were considered hypertensive. It is important to warn clinicians who provide care to HIV/AIDS patients that such patients are not only individuals infected with a potentially fatal virus, but, despite the benefit of new antiretroviral therapies, they are also patients whose prognosis may be affected by comorbidities, such as hypertension., Mirzoulugbek Mirsaydullaev, Nematjon Mamasaliev, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
6256. The prospects of the combined treatment of non-small cell lungcancer spread forms
- Creator:
- Bukenov, Akhat, Gizbrekht, Elena, Shauenov, Ergaly, Orazbayev, Bekzhan, and Razzakov, Kalmurat
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- nemalobuněčný plicní karcinom--farmakoterapie--chirurgie--radioterapie--terapie, metastázy nádorů--farmakoterapie--radioterapie--terapie, kombinovaná terapie--metody--statistika a číselné údaje, radiosenzibilizující látky--terapeutické užití, neoadjuvantní terapie--metody--statistika a číselné údaje, výsledek terapie, analýza přežití, kohortové studie, dospělí, staří, staří nad 80 let, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, and lidé středního věku
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The Purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of combined treatment for III AB stage of nonsmallcell lung cancer. Nonsmallcell lung cancer spread form treatment is disputable. Operation is not final solution. The combined treatment is being tested (in clinical trials) in this study. This article argues that a combination of treatment is a better option than that of a specific treatment. However, there is a need to find new effective options for combined treatment., Akhat Bukenov, Elena Gizbrekht, Ergaly Shauenov, Bekzhan Orazbayev, Kalmurat Razzakov, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
6257. The rate of acute spinal cord injury in tashkent city between 2005-2012 years
- Creator:
- Khikmatullaev, Rukhulla Zabikhullaevich, Iskandarov, Alisher Iskandarovich, and Khakimova, Dildora Zabikhullaevna
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- poranění míchy--epidemiologie--etiologie, retrospektivní studie, rizikové faktory, fraktury páteře--epidemiologie--etiologie, úrazy pádem, dopravní nehody, chorobopisy--statistika a číselné údaje, mladiství, dospělí, staří, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, and lidé středního věku
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Objective: to analyze main clinical-statistical indices of spine and spinal cord injuries (SCI) and system of organization of medical aid to the victims. We conducted a cohort retrospective study of materials of medical institutions of Tashkent city. Medical records of patients and records of forensic examinations were analyzed. 242 cases of spinal cord injuries were studied. Over the last 10 years in Tashkent the frequency of SCI have been tend to increase, males and working-age people are dominated. In 60.9% of cases the injury was associated, in 36.2% - isolated, and in 2.9% - combined. Fallings from height and road traffic accidents were the main reasons for getting SCI. Lesions at cervical level registered in 45% of cases, thoracic level - 27.3%, at lumbar level - 27.7%, respectively. According to ASIA/IMSOP, full injuries were noted in 40.1% of cases, incomplete injures were in 59.9%. Overall mortality from SCI was 68.6%. study allowed to get in detail the clinical and statistical indicators of SCI in the region., Rukhulla Zabikhullaevich Khikmatullaev, Alisher Iskandarovich Iskandarov, Dildora Zabikhullaevna Khakimova, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
6258. The Revolutions of 1989 :
- Type:
- text and monografie kolektivní
- Subject:
- Vnitropolitický vývoj, politický život, revoluce (1989), dějiny politické, and zahraniční periodika a sborníky
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
6259. The role of patients in the management of chronic diseases: Results of the focus-group study
- Creator:
- Dimcheva, Teodora, Foreva, Gergana, Аsenova, Radost, Маteva, Nonka, Stoev, Todor, and Dimova, Rosica
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, zjišťování skupinových postojů, chronická nemoc, kvalita života, management nemoci, dlouhodobá péče, péče orientovaná na pacienta, vzdělávání pacientů jako téma, postoj ke zdraví, poskytování zdravotní péče, zdravotní gramotnost, zapojení pacienta, and plány rozvoje
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The management of chronic diseases shall be considered a priority in the work of the global international institutions, which are related to health policies. In the search for effective and efficient solutions for the treatment of chronic diseases, scientists are developing different programs. In Bulgaria the continuous monitoring of chronically ill people is defined with the term dispensarization. The objective of the research is to analyze the place and the role of patients in the monitoring of their chronic diseases and how the concept of quality of life relates to this process. Method The research in focus groups is planned within a research project on the monitoring of chronic diseases. Five group discussions were held. The number of participants in all focus groups was sixty. Results The two discussed directions - the active role of the patient and the focus on the results are weak links in the current organization of the care for the chronically ill people. The topic of creating and adopting an Act of the patient was also presented, in which to be paid attention to the evaluation of the quality of life. In general was brought the need for a clear delineation of the roles and the competencies of everyone involved in the monitoring process of chronic diseases. The chronic disease cannot be defined only as a medical problem, as there are economic and social, including political consequences. Conclusions The management of the chronic disease requires coordination of doctor-patient interaction, a model of partnership and trust in the relations, self-management of the condition by the patients and their inclusion in the health team. The most important step to achieve this goal is the education of the patients, increasing their knowledge and motivation, psycho-emotional support, instilling hope and faith in the capacity of the patients., Teodora Dimcheva, Gergana Foreva, Radost Аsenova, Nonka Маteva, Todor Stoev, Rosica Dimova, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
6260. The significance of (CA)n tandem repeat in GABA(A) Beta‑3 subunit gene in tinnitus manifestation
- Creator:
- Rottenberg, Jan, Zallmann, M., Kostřica, Rom, Jurajda, Michal, and Talach, Tomáš
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- tinnitus--diagnóza--genetika, evokované potenciály sluchové--fyziologie--genetika, receptory GABA-A--fyziologie--genetika, mozkový kmen--fyziologie, polymorfismus jednoho nukleotidu--genetika, genotyp, koncové repetitivní sekvence--genetika, sluchový práh--fyziologie, audiometrie čistými tóny--využití, akustická stimulace--metody, sluchové dráhy--fyziologie, dospělí, staří, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, and lidé středního věku
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Cíl studie: Cílem studie bylo zjištění vztahů mezi manifestací tinnitu, nálezem na sluchových evokovaných potenciálech a genetickým pozadím u receptoru pro gamaaminomáselnou kyselinu typu A (GABA(A) receptor), podporující desinhibiční hypotézu vzniku tinnitu. Soubor a metodika: Bylo vyšetřeno 131 pacientů z hlediska sluchové ztráty, provedena kvantifikace tinnitu, sluchové evokované potenciály střední latence (MLR) a kmenové sluchové evokované potenciály (BAEP) a dále stanovení genotypu (CA)n repetitivní sekvence pro beta‑3 podjednotku GABA(A) receptoru. Následně byly hledány vztahy mezi jednotlivými výsledky a manifestací tinnitu. Výsledky: Byla nalezena korelace tinnitus skóre s amplitudovým poměrem vln V/III v BAEP (R = 0,22, p < 0,001) a s průměrným sluchovým prahem (R = 0,22, p = 0,17). Rovněž byla nalezena korelace tinnitus skóre s amplitudou vlny PA v MLR (R = 0,31–0,37; p < 0,001). Výsledky MLR neukázaly žádný vztah k průměrnému sluchovému prahu. U skupiny s kratší anamnézou tinnitu (méně než devět měsíců) byl prokázán rozdíl v manifestaci tinnitu na genotypu pro (CA)n repetitivní sekvenci genu pro beta‑3 podjednotku GABA(A) receptoru (p = 0,002). Tento výsledek byl rovněž konzistentní s rozložením amplitudy vlny PA v dané subpopulaci. Závěr: Tyto výsledky svědčí o existenci dvou hlavních regulačních mechanizmů vzniku tinnitu: první, který je závislý na velikosti sluchové ztráty, je na úrovni mozkového kmene, zatímco druhý je na úrovni korové s možnou souvislostí s genotypem (CA)n repetitivní sekvence pro beta‑3 podjednotku GABA(A) receptoru., Study aim:Study objective was to explore associations between manifestation of tinnitus, auditory evoked potentials and genetic background of gamma‑aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A) receptors) to support the disinhibited feedback hypothesis of tinnitus generation. Materials and methods: A population of 131 patients was assessed for severity of hearing loss, quantification of tinnitus, mid‑latency responses (MLR) and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP), and (CA)n tandem repeat polymorphism in GABA(A) Beta‑3 subunit gene to establish any correlation with manifestation of tinnitus. Results: It was observed that tinnitus score correlates with V/III amplitude ratio in BAEP (R = 0.22, p < 0.001) and with mean pure tone audiometry (PTA) threshold (R = 0.22, p = 0.017). Analysis of the MLR results showed a significant correlation between the PA wave amplitude and the tinnitus score (R = 0.31–0.37; p < 0.001). MLR result analysis showed no statistically significant correlation between the wave amplitudes and the mean auditory threshold. An analysis of a subgroup with shorter clinical history (less than nine months) revealed a statistically significant difference in the tinnitus score in relation to the genotype of (CA)n tandem repeat of the GABRß3 receptor subunit gene (p = 0.002). This result was also consistent with the distribution of the PA wave amplitude in the given subpopulation. Conclusion: Our findings indicate existence of two main regulatory mechanisms of tinnitus generation: first, the brainstem mechanism is dependent on the severity of the hearing loss; second, the cortical mechanism is likely to be dependent on the genotype of (CA)n tandem repeat in GABA(A) beta‑3 subunit gene., and J. Rottenberg, M. Zallmann, R. Kostrica, M. Jurajda, T. Talach
- Rights:
- and policy:public