Show values starting with
- Lorente, Mercè2
- Mellon Foundation, Brandeis University@@G-1901-06505@@Transatlantic Collaboration between LAPPS Grid and CLARIN: Implementation of NLP-enabled Tools using Text Archives as a Use Case@@Other@@2
- TA ČR@@FW03010656@@Multilingvální asistent pro hledání, analýzu a zpracování informací a podporu rozhodování@@nationalFunds@@2
- Univerzita Karlova (mimo GAUK)@@SVV 260 453@@Specifický vysokoškolský výzkum@@nationalFunds@@2
- Univerzita Karlova (mimo GAUK)@@SVV 260 575@@Specifický vysokoškolský výzkum@@nationalFunds@@2
- Univerzita Karlova@@PROGRES Q18@@Od víceoborovosti k mezioborovosti@@nationalFunds@@2
- Belspo@@KBR-DLL (Prf-2020-026)@@LabEL@@nationalFunds@@1
- Bermúdez, Meritxell González1
- Boleda, Gemma1
- Borin, Lars1
- Buch-Kromann, Matthias1
- COST@@IC1207@@PARSEME: PARSing and Multi-word Expressions@@euFunds@@1
- Cabré, Teresa1
- Charles University Grant Agency@@GAUK 1280120@@Named Entity Linking@@nationalFunds@@1
- Comeyne, Robrecht1
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft@@DFG 2246/2@@Wordgraph@@nationalFunds@@1
- Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency@@EMJMD@@Erasmus Mundus, Language and Communication Technologies@@euFunds@@1
- European Union@@CEF-TC-2016-3 / Action No: 2016-EU-IA-0114@@Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)@@euFunds@@1
- European Union@@EC/H2020/870930@@WELCOME - Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU@@euFunds@@info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/8709301
- European Union@@EC/H2020/952026@@HumanE-AI-Net - HumanE AI Network@@euFunds@@info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/9520261