Show values starting with
- DeMille, Katherine1
- Debar, Margit1
- Dedenbach-Salazar, Dr Sabine1
- Dee, Frances1
- Delair, Suzy1
- Delius, Fritz1
- Demuynck, Kris1
- Denis, María1
- Denny, Reginald1
- Deppe, Hans1
- Desmond, Olga1
- Dessort, Reine1
- Deutsch, Andreas1
- Deutsch, Ernst1
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)@@CRC 991@@The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition, and Science@@nationalFunds@@1
- Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft@@HA 2659/9-1@@Language across generations: contact induced change in morphosyntax in German-Polish bilingual speech@@nationalFunds@@1
- Deyers, Lien1
- Deyl st., Rudolf1
- Diewald, Prof. Dr. Gabriele1
- Dimitriadis, Alexis1