Show values starting with
- Cambridge university Press,1
- Cambridge,1
- Candlewick Press,1
- Capricorn Publications,1
- Carmelite Publishing House,1
- Casablanca,1
- Castaldi, Albis,1
- Castle Guard,1
- Catbird Press,1
- Center for Dutch Language and Speech, University of Antwerp1
- Center for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich1
- Center for Reading Research, Ghent University1
- Center for Sprogteknologi, University of Copenhagen1
- Center fot Russian and East European Studies,1
- Center of Administration and Operation CAS, v.v.i., for the Institute of Czech Literature CAS, v.v.i1
- Central Bohemia Cultural Heritage Institute,1
- Central European Press,1
- Central European University Foundation,1
- Central State Archives,1
- Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä1