High-irradiance (HI) stress induced changes in the photosynthetic energy storage (ES) of photosystems 1 (ESPS1) and 2 (ESPS2) were studied with 650 nm modulated radiation in intact sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) leaves. HI-treatment (420 W m-2, 1 h) caused an inhibition of about 40 % in ESPS2 and an enhancement of about 60 % in ESPS1. The rate of PS1 cyclic electron transport, measured with 705 nm modulated radiation, also increased in HI-treated leaves. There was a clear state 1- state 2 transition in HI-treated leaves. ESPS1 increased significantly and ESPS2 decreased drastically in leaves preadapted to state 1 after HI (600 W m-2, 30 min) treatment. Thus, the increase in PS1 activity observed immediately after HI-treatment in leaves preadapted to state 1 can be due to the coupling of LHC2 to PS1 during the HI-treatment. Further, the dissociation of LHC2 from PS2 during the HI-treatment resulted in apparently (about 15 %) greater inhibition than the "true" inhibition of PS2 activity. The presence of LHC2 with PS2 (state 1) at the time of HI-treatment caused no additional damage to PS2 or its coupling to PS1 offered no apparent HI-treatment. Further, the dissociation of LHC2 from PS2 during the HI-treatment resulted in apparently (about 15 %) greater inhibition than the "true" inhibition of PS2 activity. The presence of LHC2 with PS2 (state 1) at the time of HI-treatment caused no additional damage to PS2 or its coupling to PS1 offered no apparent protection to the photosynthetic apparatus. and K. Veeranjaneyulu, M. Charland, R. M. Leblanc.