Knowledge of the forces affecting mostly the description of the artificial satellites motion is very important task at present. This is valid especially for the forces of the non-gravitational origin. Their description is done at best via the in-situ measurements of their dynamlcs manifestations, i.e., to use the high-sensitive microaccelerometers. We already built and proved one such a device consisting of a cubic proof-mass free-flowing within an external cubic cavity. Our accelerometer has been succesfully tested on the RESOURCE F-1 satellite on June 1992. A project
of another experiment is now being prepared under the náme of
”CESAR” with a participation of five central-European countries. The launch of the proposed satellite is envisaged for 1997.
Preliminary results of an extended program of examination of the Ondřejov and Sonneberg plate collectons for possible optical counterparts to gamma-ray bursters are presented. One optical image was found on 3 different plates at the same position suggesting it may be related to gamma-ray burster 1979 March
25 B. Results of both archival and time-correlated searches are discussed for GRBS as well as for the Perseus Flasher.
The microscopic optical X-ray system of the paraboloid-paraboloid type is based on a galvanoplastic replics. The study describes the production procedure and the first tests in optical and X-ray light. Briefly discussed are the results obtained as well as the possibility of using mirrors of this type for mappng X-ray plasma during nuclear fusion.