Caldenal tvoří společenstva semiaridních lesů subtropického až mírného pásu střední Argentiny s dominantním druhem Prosopis caldenia. Od počátku 20. stol. byla značně exploatována kácením a využívána pro pastvu dobytka. Oheň, který zde byl přirozeným a nyní je i umělým činitelem, zásadně ovlivňuje obnovu caldenalu. Článek přináší základní údaje o tomto společenstvu a vlivu pastvy i ohně na jeho strukturu a biodiverzitu. and Caldenal is a semi-arid forest ecosystem in subtropical and temperate regions of Central Argentina, dominated by Prosopis caldenia. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Caldenal has been affected by wood harvesting and livestock grazing. Fires, both accidental and intentional, have played a key role in Caldenal regeneration. This paper describes the characteristics of these forests and addresses the effect of grazing and fire on their structure and biodiversity.
Forest dynamics, taxonomic diversity and synchronization of flowering are important ecological aspects of woody species of tropical forests in Borneo. Repeated measurements on permanent plots show that forest dynamics are driven by gap formation. Attempts have been made to explain high tropical diversity by a number of theories, ranging from the ecological equitability of species to narrow niche specialization. Finally, the conspicuous flowering synchronicity, principally of three species of the family Dipterocarpaceae, may be explained as a reaction on predation in regeneration phase. This phenomenon is triggered by climatic fluctuations connected to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation.