Models were developed to estimate nondestructively chlorophyll (Chl) content per unit of leaf area (Chlarea) and nitrogen content per unit of leaf area (Narea) using readings of two optical meters for five warm-temperate, evergreen, broadleaved tree species (Castanopsis sieboldii, Cinnamomum tenuifolium, Eurya japonica, Machilus thunbergii, and Neolitsea sericea). It was determined whether models should be adjusted seasonally. Readings (were obtained six times during a year period and Chlarea and Narea were determined using destructive methods. Bayesian inference was used to estimate parameters of models that related optical meter readings to Chlarea or Narea for each species. Deviance information criterion values were used to select the best among models, including the models with seasonal adjustment. The selected models were species-specific and predicted Chlarea accurately (R2 = 0.93-0.96). The best model included parameters with seasonal adjustments for one out of five species. Model-based estimates of Narea were not as accurate as those for Chlarea, but they were still adequate (R2 = 0.64-0.82). For all species studied, the best models did not include parameters with seasonal adjustments. The estimation methods used in this study were rapid and nondestructive; thus, they could be used to assess a function of many leaves and/or repeatedly on individual leaves in the field. and D. Mizusaki, K. Umeki, T. Honjo.
a1_Perennial organ functions of trees living in seasonal environments exhibit temporal changes that can be classified as long-term interannual changes and seasonal fluctuations within single years. However, few studies have separately quantified these changes from longitudinal measurement data or analyzed the relationships between them. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian statistical model consisting of three parts: a long-term interannual change expressed by consecutive annual linear trends, seasonal fluctuations with 26 values for two-week periods in a year, and a random effect for repeated measurements. The model can extract long-term interannual changes and seasonal fluctuations from longitudinal repeated measure data. The pattern of seasonal fluctuation, the amount of seasonal fluctuation, and the net annual change are expressed by the estimated model parameters. We applied our model to foliar chlorophyll (Chl) and nitrogen (N) content measured repeatedly on more than 1-year-old leaves of saplings in four evergreen broad-leaved tree species using nondestructive optical methods. The model successfully explained large variations in the Chl and N content. In general, seasonal fluctuations corresponded to the phenology of current-year leaves; Chl and N tended to decrease from the opening to maturation of new leaves and increased during the rest period. The magnitude of the decrease in the Chl and N content in the growth period of current-year leaves (Δγ) did not decrease noticeably as leaves aged. For the Chl content, Δγ was positively correlated with the maximum value before leaf opening across species. For the N content, Δγ and the maximum value before leaf opening were not clearly correlated across species, but were positively correlated within some species., a2_A model parameter for annual linear trends in Chl and N varied from positive (indicating increasing trends) to negative values (indicating decrease) depending on species and leaf age in years., D. Mizusaki, K. Umeki, T. Honjo., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The effectiveness of eight spectral reflectance indices for estimating chlorophyll (Chl) content in leaves of Eugenia uniflora L., a tropical tree species widely distributed throughout the world and a key species for ecosystem restoration projects, was evaluated. Spectral reflectance indices were tested using sun and shade leaves with a broad variation in leaf mass per area (LMA). Shortly after plants were exposed to chilling temperatures, there was a dramatic visible change in some sun leaves from green to red. Prior to testing Chl-related reflectance indices, the green and red leaves were separated according to the anthocyanin reflectance index (ARI). Slightly green to dark green leaves corresponded to an ARI value less than 0.11 (n = 107), whereas slightly red to red leaves corresponded to an ARI value greater than 0.11 (n = 35). To estimate leaf Chl, two simple reflectance indices (SR680 and SR705), two normalized difference indices (ND680 and ND705), two modified reflectance indices (mSR705 and mND705), a modified Chl absorption ratio index (mCARI705) and an index insensitive to the presence of anthocyanins (CIre) were evaluated. Good estimates of leaf Chl content were obtained using the reflectance indices tested regardless of the presence of anthocyanins and changes in LMA. Based on the coefficients of determination (r2) and the root mean square errors (RMSɛc) the best results were obtained with reflectance indices measured at wavelengths of 750 and 705 nm. Considering the performance of the models the best reflectance indices to estimate Chl contents in E. uniflora leaves with a broad variation in LMA and anthocyanin contents was SR705 and mCARI705., M. S. Mielke, B. Schaffer, A. C. Schilling., and Obsahuje bibliografii
For Tunisian olive tree orchards, nitrogen deficiency is an important nutritional problem, in addition to the availability of water. Establishment of relationships between nutrients such as nitrogen and ecophysiological parameters is a promising method to manage fertilisation at orchard level. Therefore, a nitrogen stress experiment with one-year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L. 'Koroneiki' and 'Meski') was conducted with trees respectively subjected to four nitrogen supply regimes (23.96 meq l-1, 9.58 meq l-1, 4.79 meq l-1 and 0 meq l-1 NO3-).
The current paper focuses on the use of the SPAD-502 portable chlorophyll (Chl) meter, a nondestructive method for fertilisation management under nitrogen stress conditions of olive trees. Maximum net photosynthetic assimilation rates, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and the SPAD Chl index were therefore measured simultaneously and the Chl and nitrogen content of the leaves were analysed. Significant correlations were established in the olive tree leaves between SPAD-502 readings on the one hand and Chl content, nitrogen content, photosynthetic assimilation rate, and Chl fluorescence parameters (ΦPSII and ETR) on the other hand. and O. Boussadia ... [et al.].
The practicality of the portable, non-destructive type nitrogen meter (Agriexpert PPW-3000) was tested on ten forest species. Also investigated was the potential relationship between leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll (Chl) contents and the readings taken with the PPW-3000 and a Chl meter (SPAD-502). There was a significantly positive correlation between the readings of PPW-3000 and N content in the same leaves, whereas the correlation between leaf Chl content and the PPW-3000 values was less positive. Similarly there was a significant positive correlation between actual Chl content and the SPAD-502 readings and the less positive correlation between actual N content and the SPAD-502 readings. Thus using both the PPW-3000 and SPAD-502 enables to determine leaf N and Chl contents simply and non-destructively in the field. and T. Ichie ... [et al.].