The article discusses the o cial presentations of the two most successful candidates of the rst round of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic 2013, Karel Schwarzenberg and Miloš Zeman, from the perspective of the concepts of positive and negative political advertisement and the re ection of the election campaigns by Czech citizens. By the means of the framework and content analyses the topics and the most frequent words of the o cial (created by campaigns teams) materials are identi ed. The results are interpreted with regard to the attributes of positive and negative campaign. Using the statistical analysis of the data from public opinion survey by CVVM the Czech public’s re ection of the election campaigns is described. The results of the study indicate that we can denote Zeman’s campaign after the rst round of the elections as a negative one. Zeman’s campaign has also proved to be more speci c and memorable - by both, subjective evaluation of the respondents and the associations, connected with the candidates after the elections., Monika Cervinková, Lucie Kulhavá., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The rst direct presidential elections in the Czech Republic took place in January 2013. This event and the period before were extensively covered by media, which many candidates and political actors described as ultimately having a signi cant in uence on voters’ decisions. This article focuses on an analysis of the media image of one of the presidential candidates, Karel Schwarzenberg. Originally an outsider, he reached the second round of the elections, but then he was beaten by Miloš Zeman. The article uses the theory of framing and speci es it to the circumstances of the rst and second round of the elections. It applies a quantitative and qualitative content analysis to the main Czech daily newspapers and to the website supporting Schwarzenberg The in-depth analysis reveals that the positive image of Karel Schwarzenberg created by his supporters before the rst round of the elections was reframed before the second round into a rather negative image., Hynek Jeřábek, Jan Rössler, Pavel Sklenařík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V knize hodnotí éru pětadvaceti let od pádu komunistického režimu v Československu čtyři přední politici: bývalý předseda československé a české vlády a český prezident Václav Klaus, bývalý předseda české vlády a předseda Senátu Petr Pithart, bývalý ministr spravedlnosti a současný předseda Ústavního soudu ČR Pavel Rychetský, bývalý předseda české vlády a současný prezident České republiky Miloš Zeman. Recenzent přibližuje a srovnává jejich názory na ústřední témata rozhovorů, jimiž jsou politická a ekonomická transformace, česko-slovenské a česko-německé vztahy, existence lustračního zákona, role soudní moci v demokracii, otázka eventuálního zákazu komunistické strany, takzvaná opoziční smlouva mezi Zemanovou sociálnědemokratickou stranou a Klausovou Občanskou demokratickou stranou a nakonec havlovská "nepolitická politika"., In the publication under review, tha past quarter of a century since the collapse of the Communist régime in Czechoslovakia is considered by four leading Czech politicians: former premier of Czechoslovakia, and later, Premier and then President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, a former Premier of the Czech Republic and later Speaker of the Senate, Petr Pithart, a former Minister of Justice and current Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Pavel Rychetský, and a former Premier and current President of the Cezch Republic, Miloš Zeman. The reviewer discusses and compares their views of the central topics discussed in the interviews - the political and economic transformation, Czecho-Slovak and Czecho-German relations, the existence of the vetting law (lustrační zákon), the role of the courts in democracy, the question of the possible banning of the Communist Party, an so-called "opposition agreement" between Zeman´s Social Democratic Party and Klaus´s Civil Democratic Party, and, lastly, Václav Havel´s "nonpolitical politics"., [autor recenze] Vlastimil Hála., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy