The authors have attempted to elucidate a problem which has widely been discussed in recent years, i. e. the ftuctuation of the solar activity in the past centuries, i. e. from the year 1 000 to the end of the I9th century; for this purpose, they have used a catalogue of auroral observations compiled from all the catalogues (or their corrections) hitherto published, sets of observations and their own supplement of hitherto uncatalogized or unknown observations of the aurorae, extracted from the most various historical sources found in the Czech Lands. The supplement contains 91 aurorae from Bohemia and is presented in Part I. This catalogue gives the ordinal number of the aurora, the date, the description in the original language and the English translation. The world catalogue and its elaboration which regard to long-term variations of aurorae is in Part II, and contains 3 878 northern aurorae from latitudes < 55°N. Part III deals with the relation between the fluctuations of the secular solar activity, in terms of occurrence of aurorae, and the fluctuations of the climate, with particular regard to Central Europe and Bohemia. and Článek převzat z Travaux Géophysiques XXXIII (1985), s. 79-151