Identita může zahrnovat různé domény: morální, spirituální, profesní, etnickou, genderovou, vztahovou, politickou. U mladých lidí z etnických minorit je v identitě časté centrální téma etnické identity. V současné době v ČR dospívá početně zastoupená druhá generace Vietnamců. Výzkumy zabývající se identitou u této populace v ČR však zatím chybí. Cílem této práce bylo zachytit, jak uvažují nad svou identitou mladé české Vietnamky (18-22 let) v těchto doménách: vzdělávací a profesní, partnerská, etnická, osobní. V kvalitativním výzkumu u 6 participantek byla využita metoda interpretativní fenomenologické analýzy (IPA). Výzkum prokázal některé shodné prvky v identitě se skupinou amerických Vietnamců 1,5. a 2. generace – zejména v hodnotovém ukotvení, významu rodiny a vietnamské komunity při exploraci identity a vytváření životních závazků. Výsledky z tohoto výzkumu jsou využitelné zejména pro zvýšení kulturní senzitivity školních poradenských pracovníků na středních a vyšších odborných školách, případně poradenských pracovníků vysokoškolských poradenských center, pracujících i s populací českých Vietnamců. and Identity can include different domains-moral, spiritual, gender, career, relationships, ethnic, politic. The ethnic identity is very important and central theme of identity among young from ethnic minority groups. In the present time, the second generation of Vietnamese Czech youth is growing up in the Czech Republic. There is lack of research describing the exploration of their identity. The aim of this study was establish, how young (18-22) Vietnamese Czech women think about their identity in the educational and career, relational, ethnic and personal domain. The qualitative study on six participants used interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The results indicated similar patterns among Vietnamese Czech young women and Vietnamese Americans, especially in the area of life values and importance of the family and vietnamese community in the process of exploration identity and making commitments. The present findings should be used to increase culture sensitivity at school and university counselors and advisors working with Vietnamese Czech students.
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of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). 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Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. 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Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. 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