Hydrochemical characteristics of Jordan and Yarmouk river waters: effect of natural and human activities
- Title:
- Hydrochemical characteristics of Jordan and Yarmouk river waters: effect of natural and human activities
Hydrochemické charakteristiky riek Jordán a Jarmuk: prirodzené a antropogénne vplyvy - Creator:
- Howari, F. M. and Banat, K. M.
- Identifier:
- https://cdk.lib.cas.cz/client/handle/uuid:3b0c80b1-bbde-4734-85d5-87995db365d5
uuid:3b0c80b1-bbde-4734-85d5-87995db365d5 - Subject:
- hydrochemistry, Jordan River, Yarmouk River, hydrochémia, rieka Jordán, and rieka Jarmuk
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Description:
- Water-chemistry was used to assist in understanding the effect of human and natural activities on the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers. Eighty-eight water samples were collected from different locations along the flow paths of both Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers, and analyzed for major ions. The analyzed water samples of Yarmouk River were predominantly alkaline water with prevailing chloride and sodium; and characterized with low TDS values that range from 571 to 801 mg l-1. The predominant water type of Jordan river is alkaline earth with prevailing chloride and increase portion of alkalies and characterized by high TDS value that range from 2914 to 3224 mg l-1. The sampling took place in different time periods between July 1996 and April 1996 to determine the effect of changing seasons on the chemistry of the studied rivers. From the upper to lower reaches of both Jordan and Yarmouk rivers, a systematic increase of most of the measured major ions concentrations is reported in July 1996. Strong variations were observed in the water chemistry between the different locations. As the distance increase from the mouth of the rivers, so did the salinity of the water. The study found that the Jordan River is affected by groundwater system and the related anthropogenic activities on both sides of the Jordan Valley; where saline groundwater is mainly resulted from ancient entrapped sea water or brine deep seated origin. The water which dilute Yarmouk river is a Ca+2-HCO3-. The in the ion concentrations in 1996 than those reported in 1969 is due to the increase of the anthropogenic effects. and Vplyv antropogénnych aprirodzených faktorov na kvalitu vôd riek Jordán a Jarmuk môže byt hodnotený aj pomocou hydrochemických analýz. Pozdlž tokov Jordán a Jarmuk bolo odobratých a analyzovaných 88 vzoriek vody. Vzorky vody rieky Jarmuk boli prevažne alkalické s prevládajúcimi iónmi chlóru a sodíka, charakterizované nízkymi hodnotami celkovej mineralizácie (TDS), ktorá bola v rozmedzí 571 - 801 mg l-1 . Voda v rieke Jordán je prevažne alkalická s dominantnými chloridmi a zvýšeným podielom alkalických iónov s vysokou TDS v rozmedzí 2914 - 3224 mg l-1 . Vzorky vody boli odobraté v case medzi aprílom a júlom 1996, aby sa dala urcit zmena chemizmu tokov pocas roka. Pocas júla 1996 bola zistená v oboch tokoch od pramena po ústie zvyšujúca sa koncentrácia sledovaných iónov. Medzi jednotlivými lokalitami boli zaregistrované velké rozdiely v koncentráciách sledovaných prvkov. Výskumom sa zistilo, že rieka Jordán je ovplyvnená podzemnými vodami aantropogénnou cinnostou na oboch brehoch. Slané podzemné vody sú dôsledkom predovšetkým dávneho záchytu morskej vody, a existencie solných vrstiev v povodí. Zmeny v koncentrácii iónov v riekach medzi rokmi 1969 a 1996 môžu byt dôsledkom antropogénnej cinnosti.
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
policy:public - Coverage:
- 50-64
- Source:
- Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics | 2002 Volume:50 | Number:1
- Harvested from:
- Metadata only:
- false
The item or associated files might be "in copyright"; review the provided rights metadata:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- policy:public