FicTree is a dependency treebank of Czech fiction manually annotated in the format of the analytical layer of the Prague Dependency Trebank. The treebank consists of 12,760 sentences (166,432 tokens). The texts come from eight literary works published in the Czech Republic between 1991 and 2007. The syntactic annotation of the treebank was first performed by two distinct parsers (MSTParser and MaltParser) trained on the PDT training data, then manually corrected. Any differences between the two versions were resolved manually (by another annotator).
The corpus is provided in a vertical format, where sentence boundaries are marked with a blank line. Every word form is written on a separate line, followed by five tab-separated attributes: lemma, tag, ID (word index in the sentence), head and deprel (analytical function, afun in the PDT formalism). The texts are shuffled in random chunks of maximum 100 words (respecting sentence boundaries). Each chunk is provided as a separate file, with the suggested division into train, dev and test sets written as file prefix.
ORTOFON v1 is designed as a representation of authentic spoken Czech used in informal situations (private environment, spontaneity, unpreparedness etc.) in the area of the whole Czech Republic. The corpus is composed of 332 recordings from 2012–2017 and contains 1 014 786 orthographic words (i.e. a total of 1 236 508 tokens including punctuation); a total of 624 different speakers appear in the probes. ORTOFON v1 is fully balanced regarding the basic sociolinguistic speaker categories (gender, age group, level of education and region of childhood residence).
The transcription is linked to the corresponding audio track. Unlike the ORAL-series corpora, the transcription was carried out on two main tiers, orthographic and phonetic, supplemented by an additional metalanguage tier. ORTOFON v1 is lemmatized and morphologically tagged. The (anonymized) corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query engine to registered users of the CNC at
Please note: this item includes only the transcriptions, audio (and the transcripts in their original format) is available under more restrictive non-CC license at