Visualizing spoken corpus data on a map is an invaluable tool both at the stage of data collection (keeping track of numbers of speakers from different regions for corpus balancing purposes) and data exploration (examining the regional distribution of a sociolinguistic variable). Recently, a tool in this vein has been made available to Czech National Corpus users via the SyD application: a map summarizing the proportional usage of a given set of variants across the traditional dialect regions of Czech represented in the ORAL series corpora. The advantages of this new feature are discussed and examples highlighting how it can give an intuitive overview of dialectal variation are given. Current and future plans for other useful types of map-based visualizations of spoken corpus data are also presented.
The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the structure and contents of the soon-to-be available ORAL corpus, which combines previously published corpora (ORAL2006, ORAL2008 and ORAL2013) with newly transcribed material into a single conveniently accessible and more richly annotated resource, about 6 million running words in length. The recordings and corresponding transcripts span a decade between 2002 and 2011; most of them capture interactions of mutually well-acquainted speakers, in informal situations and natural settings. The corpus is complemented by amarginal portion of more formal data, mostly public talks. It is tagged and lemmatized, and an effort was made to adapt existing tools (targeted at written language) to yield better results on spoken data. We hope the availability of such a resource will spawn further discussions on the morphological and syntactic analysis of spoken language, perhaps resulting in more radical departures in the future from the part-of-speech classification inherited from the linguistic analysis of written language.
Corpus of informal spoken Czech sized 1 MW. It contains transcriptions of 221 recordings made in 2002–2006 in the whole of Bohemia. All the recordings were made in informal situations to ensure prototypically spontaneous spoken language. This means private environment, physical presence of speakers who know each other, unscripted speech and topic not given in advance. The total number of speakers is 754, the metadata include sociolinguistic information about them.
The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus exactly correspond to the corpus available via query interface to registered users of the CNC. and Výzkumný záměr MSM0021620823 – Český národní korpus a korpusy dalších jazyků
Balanced corpus of informal spoken Czech sized 1 MW. It contains transcriptions of 297 recordings made in 2002–2007 in the whole of Bohemia. All the recordings were made in informal situations to ensure prototypically spontaneous spoken language. This means private environment, physical presence of speakers who know each other, unscripted speech and topic not given in advance. The total number of speakers is 995, the corpus is balanced in their main sociolinguistic categories (gender, age group, education, region of childhood residence).
The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus exactly correspond to the corpus available via query interface to registered users of the CNC. and MSM0021620823 – Český národní korpus a korpusy dalších jazyků
ORTOFON v1 is designed as a representation of authentic spoken Czech used in informal situations (private environment, spontaneity, unpreparedness etc.) in the area of the whole Czech Republic. The corpus is composed of 332 recordings from 2012–2017 and contains 1 014 786 orthographic words (i.e. a total of 1 236 508 tokens including punctuation); a total of 624 different speakers appear in the probes. ORTOFON v1 is fully balanced regarding the basic sociolinguistic speaker categories (gender, age group, level of education and region of childhood residence).
The transcription is linked to the corresponding audio track. Unlike the ORAL-series corpora, the transcription was carried out on two main tiers, orthographic and phonetic, supplemented by an additional metalanguage tier. ORTOFON v1 is lemmatized and morphologically tagged. The (anonymized) transcriptions are provided in the XML Elan Annotation format, audio (with corresponding anonymization beeps) is in uncompressed 16-bit PCM WAV, mono, 16 kHz format.
Another format option of the transcriptions is also available under less restrictive CC BY-NC-SA license at
ORTOFON v1 is designed as a representation of authentic spoken Czech used in informal situations (private environment, spontaneity, unpreparedness etc.) in the area of the whole Czech Republic. The corpus is composed of 332 recordings from 2012–2017 and contains 1 014 786 orthographic words (i.e. a total of 1 236 508 tokens including punctuation); a total of 624 different speakers appear in the probes. ORTOFON v1 is fully balanced regarding the basic sociolinguistic speaker categories (gender, age group, level of education and region of childhood residence).
The transcription is linked to the corresponding audio track. Unlike the ORAL-series corpora, the transcription was carried out on two main tiers, orthographic and phonetic, supplemented by an additional metalanguage tier. ORTOFON v1 is lemmatized and morphologically tagged. The (anonymized) corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query engine to registered users of the CNC at
Please note: this item includes only the transcriptions, audio (and the transcripts in their original format) is available under more restrictive non-CC license at
ORTOFON v3 is a corpus of authentic spoken Czech used in informal situations (private environment, spontaneity, unpreparedness etc.) that covers the area of the whole Czech Republic. The corpus is composed of 697 recordings from 2012–2020 and contains 2 445 793 orthographic words (i.e. a total of 2 976 742 tokens including punctuation); a total of 1 121 different speakers appear in the probes. ORTOFON v3 is partially balanced regarding the basic sociolinguistic speaker categories (gender, age group, level of education and region of childhood residence). The transcription is linked to the corresponding audio track. Unlike the ORAL-series corpora, the transcription was carried out on two main tiers, orthographic and phonetic, supplemented by an additional metalanguage tier. The (anonymized) transcriptions are provided in the XML Elan Annotation format, audio (with corresponding anonymization beeps) is in uncompressed 16-bit PCM WAV, mono, 16 kHz format. Another format option of the transcriptions is also available under less restrictive CC BY-NC-SA license at
ORTOFON v3 is a corpus of authentic spoken Czech used in informal situations (private environment, spontaneity, unpreparedness etc.) that covers the area of the whole Czech Republic. The corpus is composed of 697 recordings from 2012–2020 and contains 2 445 793 orthographic words (i.e. a total of 2 976 742 tokens including punctuation); a total of 1 121 different speakers appear in the probes. ORTOFON v3 is partially balanced regarding the basic sociolinguistic speaker categories (gender, age group, level of education and region of childhood residence). The transcription is linked to the corresponding audio track. Unlike the ORAL-series corpora, the transcription was carried out on two main tiers, orthographic and phonetic, supplemented by an additional metalanguage tier. ORTOFON v3 is lemmatized and morphologically tagged according to the SYN2020 standard. This was performed with special attention paid to the specificity of the informal spoken Czech and includes also spoken training data. The (anonymized) corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query engine to registered users of the CNC at Please note: this item includes only the transcriptions, audio (and the transcripts in their original format) is available under more restrictive non-CC license at
Balanced corpus of contemporary written Czech sized 100 MW. It was created as a representation of written language from 2000–2004 and thus it contains a wide range of text types and genres (fiction, professional literature, newspapers etc.) in balanced proportions. The corpus is lemmatized and morphologically tagged by a combination of stochastic and rule-based methods.
The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via query interface to registered users of the CNC with one important exception: they are shuffled, i.e. divided into blocks sized max. 100 words (respecting the sentence boundaries) whose ordering was randomized within the given document. and MSM0021620823 – Český národní korpus a korpusy dalších jazyků