INTRODUCTION: Annually more than 27,000 persons die of cancer in the Czech Republic and the overall incidence of malignancies is still increasing. These data shows the need for affordable and good follow-up care especially for patients without any cancer treatment due to irreversible progression of tumor. Currently the outpatient palliative cancer care gets more into the forefront. Prerequisite for a well working outpatient palliative care is cooperation with general practitioners and home health care agencies. The purpose of the so called program of palliative cancer care is to guide a patient in palliative cancer care and to improve the cooperation among health care providers. METHODS: During the period from January 2008 to October 2010 we evaluated in patient without any oncology treatment due to irreversible progression of tumor. RESULTS: In palliative outpatient clinic we treated 446 patients, 119 of them received home care services with average length of 27.8 days. 77 patients died at home, 51 in health facilities and 41 in inpatient hospice care. CONCLUSION: We present pilot study focusing on outpatient palliative cancer care which shows the real benefit from early indication of palliative cancer care. This type of care allows patients to stay as long as possible at home among their close relatives. and I. Slánská, J. Kopecký, S. Filip
Léčebně neovlivnitelná progrese onkologického onemocnění a předchozí protinádorová terapie, kterou pacient absolvoval, jsou častou příčinou náhlého zhoršení celkového stavu pacienta. Hovoříme o akutních stavech, které pacientovi zhoršují jeho celkovou kvalitu života včetně jeho ohrožení na životě. Autoři se ve svém sdělení zabývají problematikou vybraných akutních stavů u nemocných s ukončenou onkologickou léčbou a zařazených do programu paliativní onkologické péče., Medical uninfluenced progression of cancer and previous anticancer therapy, the patient has received are a common cause of sudden deterioration of general condition. We are talking about a medical emergency and patients impair its overall quality of life, including its threat to life. The authors deal with its communication of selected acute conditions in patients with end-cancer therapy and included in the programme of palliative cancer care., Ladislav Slováček, Stanislav Filip, Birgita Slováčková, Iva Slánská, Peter Priester, and Literatura 46