Baseline UDPipe models for CoNLL 2017 Shared Task in UD Parsing, and supplementary material.
The models require UDPipe version at least 1.1 and are evaluated using the official evaluation script.
The models are trained on a slightly different split of the official UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data, so called baselinemodel split, in order to allow comparison of models even during the shared task. This baselinemodel split of UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data is available for download.
Furthermore, we also provide UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data with automatically predicted morphology. We utilize the baseline models on development data and perform 10-fold jack-knifing (each fold is predicted with a model trained on the rest of the folds) on the training data.
Finally, we supply all required data and hyperparameter values needed to replicate the baseline models.