Coprological examinations of three snowy owls, Nyctea scandiaca (L.) revealed the presence of a coecidium of the genus Eimeria that apparently represents a previously undescribcd species. Oocysts of Eimeria nycteae sp. n. were spherical to subspherical, 23.6 (23-25) x 22.2 (22-23) pm with a shape index 1.1 (1.0-1.1). The oocyst wall was bilayered, smooth - 0.75 pin thick. A polar granule was absent. Sporocysts were ellipsoidal, 18.5 (18-19) x 9.8 (9-10) pm with a shape index 1.9 (1.8-2.1) with Stieda and substieda bodies. A sporocyst residuum was present as small granules scattered among sporozoitcs. The sequence of the sporulation process of this new species is given and illustrated with photomicrographs. Owls examined did not exhibit any signs of alteration of their health status.
The method of hologram synthesis from 2D views is described. the views are synthesized in the plane of the observer. the main topic is the creation of synthetic masters for rainbow holograms. the questions of creating rGB color rainbow holograms are also discussed. the automatic device for manufacturing the synthetic masters is presented. and Příspěvek volně navazuje na článek z JMO 5/2009 ''Holografická generace 3D obrazu: přehled přístupů''. Článek podrobněji popisuje syntézu 3D obrazu v pupile oka pozorovatele. Jedná se o jednu z metod, která vytváří hologram ze série 2D pohledů na předmět. Hlavním tématem je vytváření masterů pro duhové hologramy a masterů pro kompozici RGB barevných duhových hologramů. V článku je také prezentováno automatické zařízení, které bylo za účelem studia tohoto typu hologramu vyrobeno.
This paper shows possibilities of micromachining by pulse electron beam for creation of fine holes into quartz glass. The influence of different parameters of electron beam (such as beam current, focus, pulse duration) is demonstrated. Accelerating voltage of 50 kV, beam current of 0.1 - 1 mA and pulse duration of 15 - 150 ms was applied. Diameter of created holes ranged from 101 μm to 100 mm on incident side and from 100 to 101 μm on the opposite side (disc thickness 0.7 mm).