We have assessed the phylogenetic status of the Leishmania genome project Friedlin reference strain by MLEE and multiprimer RAPD including a set of 9 stocks representative of the main Leishmania species and of the whole genetic diversity of the Leishmania genus. To our knowledge, the detailed genetic characterization of the Friedlin strain has never been published before. As previously recorded (Tibayrenc et al. 1993), MLEE and RAPD data gave congruent phylogenetic results. The Friedlin reference strain was definitely attributed to Leishmania (Leishmania) major Yakimoff et Schokhor, 1914. Five specific RAPD patterns made it possible to distinguish between the Friedlin strain and the 2 other L. (L.) major stocks included in the study. Various specific MLEE and RAPD characters permitted to distinguish between the Leishmania species included in the study. All these characters are usable to detect accidental laboratory mix-ups involving the Friedlin reference strain. In confirmation with previous studies involving a more limited set of genetic markers, the general genetic diversity of the Leishmania genus proved to be considerable. It must be made clear that only one strain cannot be considered as representative of the whole genetic variability of the genus Leishmania. In the future, it is therefore advisable to complement the results obtained in the framework of the Leishmania genome project with data from other strains that should be selected on a criterion of important genetic differences with the Friedlin strain.
The study of natural materials, a creating of their similarities from the point of view of constructions, structures and materials is relatively new and a perspective field connecting results of scientific research of biologists, chemists, physicists, material engineers, constructors and designers. At present day a lot of these results were transferred into the industry application. How we can see natural materials could become a source of inspiration on a field of materials, technologies and constructions as well as on the field of nanotechnologies. and Studium přírodních materiálů, vytváření jejich analogií z hlediska konstrukcí, struktur i materiálů je relativně novým a neobyčejně perspektivním oborem, který dokáže spojovat výsledky bádání biologů, chemiků, fyziků, materiálových inženýrů, konstruktérů a designérů. V současné době řada výsledků těchto výzkumů dosáhla i svých průmyslových aplikací. Jak je postupně zjišťováno, přírodní materiály se nám mohou stát zdrojem inspirace v oblasti materiálů, technologií a konstrukcí stejně tak jako v oblasti nanotechnologií.
Additional information is given on the erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium petersi (Poirriez, Baccam, Dei-Cas, Brogan et Landau, 1933), which was found in a Cercocebus albigena monkey from the Central-African Republic. The first colour pictures of P. petersi are presented. In 60% of young trophozoites, the vacuole is divided into two or three parts by thin cytoplasmic streaks. In young trophozoites and almost mature schizonts, 80% of nuclei are oval or kidney-shaped; they are two-coloured; measurement of their surface area shows that it is about twice that of the nuclei of P. gonderi at the same stages. Studies using polarised light show that most of the pigment granules are elongated (spindle-shaped) and found at the periphery of old trophozoites and schizonts. P. petersi can easily be distinguished from P. gonderi and P. georgesi, the two other species found so far in Cercocebus monkeys, which are regarded as the African equivalents of the Asian macaques.
The paper examines the demographic situation in contemporary Czech society and its roots in the past. In the late 20th century there are two key development trends. Demographic model originated in 195Os (characterized by high fertility rates, high marriage rates (95%), high divorce rates (40%), low marriage age and so on) was left after the decline of socialism and the revival of original interwar model has occurred since early 1990s. The second trend is approximating to the model of reproduction usual in Western Europe. This new ways of reproduction are characterized by postponing the marriage and parenthood, so called informal partnerships or unmarried (consensual) couples are becoming more frequent which also results in a growing number of birth of extra-marital children. The increase of divorce rates occurs and hence both numbers of incomplete families and of households including just one individual constantly grow. The improved medical care and healthier regime have led to longer life expectancies over the last fifteen years. The infant mortality figure has further improved. The author concludes that population development significantly influences current economic, health, legal, environmental and political conditions which create together a social environment where the demographic development occurs.
The author deals with history of mass gym performances in the Czech Republic and analyzes theirs social and political meaning. From the point of view of gender that plays important role in rituals using symbolism of human body he compares Sokol festivals which have been taking place since nineteenth century with the communistic mass performances called ''Spartakiáda''. The mass Sokol exercises express the need to represent the national community. Although women couldn't participate in the public Sokol performances until the end of the nineteenth century, after their involvement there was strictly defined distinct symbolism of the female and male component (the beauty and the power). The author proves that also within the communistic mass exercises (''Spartakiáda'') there was applied consistent segregation of the gender roles, despite of communist ideology of unity of the working class. The duality of male and female body was kept, but a shift from the emphasis on the external characteristics of the body (beauty and power) to the emphasis on the functions of the human body took place. The division of the gender roles was functional - they served as a representation of society like a model of factory.