The article offers a brief account of the history of Hungarian sociology during four decades of communist rule in Hungary. Beginning with the brief existence of the first department of sociology in Hungary (the 'Szalai Institute', 1946-1948) the author describes the field in the 1950s, when for political reasons sociology was marginalised to the point of extinction. The revival of sociology in Hungary during the 1960s is devoted considerable attention from an institutional, a personal and a doctrinal point of view. The author analyses the main branches of study in Hungarian sociology at the time, including critical sociology and the study of social stratification, which overcame the rigidity of official Marxist-Leninist doctrine. She characterises the last two decades of state socialism in Hungary as a period when sociology both suffered from increased political repression (stronger in the early 1970s than later) and at the same time became more and more professional. She argues that a determining feature of the history of Hungarian sociology between 1948 and 1989 was its strong connection to politics. However, sociology and politics had a mutual influence on one another during this period, as sociology also had an impact on the way Communist Party officials approached the structure of Hungarian society. In the process, sociology evolved and was professionalised, enabling its existence as an autonomous discipline today.
This study is dedicated to laboratory investigation of sorption behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Six soils from Slovakia with different organic carbon fraction (fOC = 0.0048-0.0241), clay fraction (fCM = 0.006-0.372) and mineralogical composition of clays were used for determination of naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene and pyrene sorption isotherms. Impact of sorption contact time on sorption behavior of studied PAHs was evaluated by measured distribution relationships S(t) vs. C(t) for naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene in one soil sample at contact time of 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days (3 for pyrene) and 21 days. The experimental sorption isotherms were nonlinear and fitted very well with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm: S = KFCe N over a range of used aqueous phase PAH concentrations. The more detailed analysis of results showed that soil organic carbon was predominant sorbent in the sorption of investigated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous solution by soils, although it was found that sorption behavior of PAH compounds in soils was significantly affected by smectites when organic carbon/smectite ratio was roughly below 0.1 (fOC/fsmectite ~0.1). The results also showed that average distribution coefficient KD values and the normalized to organic car-bon content KOC of studied PAH compounds, despite observed nonlinear sorption, were comparable with their values earlier published in the literature and were dependent on their molecular properties: hydrophobicity expressed as KOW and water solubility SW. All observed distribution relationships for contact times used fitted to a power function reflecting non-equilibrium conditions: S(t) = kF(t)C(t) n(t) . The data indicate significant increase in sorption of naphthalene between 2 h and 1 d, phenanthrene between 2 h and 2 d and pyrene at interval of 2 h to 21 d. This observation suggests that more hydrophobic PAH compounds exhibit slower sorption kinetics than less hydrophobic compounds like naphthalene. Observed changes in sorption of PAHs studied as contact time increased indicate that literature KD and KOC values for many organic compounds can be significantly underestimated as were measured over short periods (≤ 1 d) because short periods not need always represent equilibrium conditions during realized batch experiments. and Štúdia sa venuje laboratórnemu výskumu sorpcie polycyklických aromatických uhľovodíkov v pôdach v rovnovážnych a nerovnovážnych podmienkach. Na stanovenie rovnovážnych sorpčných izoteriem naftalénu, acenafténu, fluorénu, fenantrénu a pyrénu sme použili šesť vzoriek pôd s rozdielnym podielom organického uhlíka (fOC = 0,0048-0,0241), ílovitej frakcie (fCM = 0,006-0,372) a odlišným mineralogickým zložením ílovitej frakcie. Vplyv času na sorpčné správanie študovaných PAU bol sledovaný pomocou experimentálne stanovených závislostí S(t) od C(t) pre naftalén, fenantrén a pyrén a jednu vzorku pôdy v čase 2 hodiny, 1 deň, 2 dni (3 pre pyrén) a 21 dní. V rozsahu použitých koncentrácií PAU vo vodnom roztoku mali získané rovnovážne sorpčné izotermy nelineárny tvar a veľmi dobre vyhovovali Freundlichovej adsorpčnej izoterme: S = KFCe N . Detailnejší rozbor dosiahnutých výsledkov ukázal, že organický uhlík má najväčší vplyv na rovnovážne sorbované množstvo jednotlivých PAU v pôdach, aj keď od určitého podielu ílovitej frakcie, zvlášť smektitov môže byť sorpčné správanie PAU výrazne ovplyvnené práve prítomnými smektitmi. Tento vplyv sa začína prejavovať pri hodnote pomeru organického uhlíka k smektitom približne 1 : 10 alebo pri pomere fOC/fsmektit ~0,1. Výsledky tiež ukázali, že aj napriek pozorovanej nelineárnej sorpcii priemerné hodnoty koeficientov rozdeľovacích (KD) a normalizovaných na podiel organického uhlíka KOC sú porovnateľné s hodnotami publikovanými v literatúre a záviseli od molekulových vlastností PAU: od miery hydrofóbnej povahy vyjadrenej rozdeľovacím koeficientom v sústave n-oktanol-voda KOW a rozpustnosti vo vode SW. Všetky pozorované závislosti S(t) od C(t) v jednotlivých časoch vyhovovali rovnici mocninovej funkcie v tvare: S(t) = kF(t)C(t) n(t) . Namerané výsledky poukazujú na významný nárast v sorbovanom množstve naftalénu v intervale 2 hod až 1 deň, fenantrénu v čase medzi 2 hod až 2 dňami a pyrénu v intervale 2 hod až 21 dní. Toto zistenie naznačuje, že na dosiahnutie rovnováhy hydrofóbnejších PAU je potrebný dlhší čas ako u menej hydrofóbnych. Uvedená štúdia tiež ukazuje, že mnohé publikované hodnoty KD a KOC rôznych organických látok v literatúre môžu byť výrazne podhodnotené, pretože boli namerané v krátkom čase (≤ 1 deň), ktorý nemusí vždy reprezentovať rovnovážne podmienky počas realizácie sorpčných experimentov.
This paper focuses on the issue of surveying older people. Increasing interest in the issue of ageing and old age has been accompanied by infrequent debate on the methodological pitfalls that might influence research into this specific, albeit very heterogeneous population. Interviewers routinely complete post-interview questions that provide important information on such criteria as respondent difficulty in answering the questions posed. This article examines such difficulty in terms of interviewer and respondent characteristics. It investigates three potential explanations of why interviewers judge an interview as difficult: (1) interviewer characteristics (age and gender), (2) socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent and (3) respondents’ sense of well-being. The data used in this study were obtained from four surveys conducted with older people in the Czech Republic between 2007 and 2011. These surveys explored ageing and old age. The findings show the crucial importance of respondents’ sense of well-being and level of education. No interviewer age or gender effects were observed., Marcela Petrová Kafková., and Obsahuje bibliografii