Příspěvek se zabývá použitím metod fyziky měkkých látek při studiu mechanických vlastností zemědělských produktů, které můžeme chápat jako kompozit tuhých a měkkých látek. Tyto možnosti jsou demonstrovány na mechanických vlastnostech syrových, vařených a smažených brambor jako indikátorech konzumní kvality produktu. Role teorie i hlubšího porozumění získaných výsledků při odhalování instrumentálních omezení má v těchto aplikacích významnou úlohu. Role teorie je natolik významná, že umožňuje pochopit změny vyvolané způsobem zpracování (vaření, smažení) a přitom zachytit i velmi jemné rozdíly ve vlastnostech produktů, které jsou způsobeny meziodrůdovými diferencemi., Jiří Blahovec., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Stress-induced restrictions to carbon balance, growth, and reproduction are the causes of tree-line formation at a global scale. We studied gas exchange and water relations of Polylepis tarapacana in the field, considering the possible effects of water stress limitations imposed on net photosynthetic rate (PN). Daily courses of microclimatic variables, gas exchange, and leaf water potential were measured in both dry-cold and wet-warm seasons at an altitude of 4 300 m. Marked differences in environmental conditions between seasons resulted in differences for the dry-cold and wet-warm seasons in mean leaf water potentials (-1.67 and -1.02 MPa, respectively) and mean leaf conductances (33.5 and 58.9 mmol m-2 s-1, respectively), while differences in mean PN (2.5 and 2.8 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively) were not as evident. This may be related to limitations imposed by water deficit and lower photon flux densities during dry and wet seasons, respectively. Hence P. tarapacana has coupled its gas exchange characteristics to the extreme daily and seasonal variations in temperature and water availability of high elevations. and C. García-Núñez ... [et al.].
A model with two masses is considered where the upper mass is self-excited due to the negative linear damping component and the lower mass represents the damped foundation subsystem. The passive means represents the positive linear damping of foundation subsystem and the active one the linear parametric excitation due to the periodic changing of the foundation mounts stiffness. In the case when only passive means are used the optimal tuning can be reached when stability limits for both vibration modes merge together. The condition for such tuning of the system in question is formulated. But when the stability condition is not met then this tuning of the system is not suitable for using in addition the active means in the form of parametric excitation. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The responses of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of field-growing Ulmus pumila seedlings to changes in simulated precipitation were studied in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Leaf water potential (Ψwp), net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration rate (E) were significantly increased with enhancement of precipitation from 0 to 20 mm (p<0.01), indicating stomatal limitation of U. pumila seedlings that could be avoided when soil water was abundant. However, PN changed slightly when precipitation exceeded 20 mm (p>0.05), indicating more precipitation than 20 mm had no significant effects on photosynthesis. Maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2, PS 2 (Fv/Fm) increased from 0.53 to 0.78 when rainfall increased from 0 to 10 mm, and Fv/Fm maintained a steady state level when rainfall was more than 10 mm. Water use efficiency (WUE) decreased significantly (from 78-95 to 23-27 µmol mol-1) with enhancement of rainfalls. PN showed significant linear correlations with both gs and Ψwp (p<0.0001), which implied that leaf water status influenced gas exchange of U. pumila seedlings. The 20-mm precipitation (soil water content at about 15 %, v/v) might be enough for the growth of elm seedlings. When soil water content (SWC) reached 10 %, down regulation of PS2 photochemical efficiency could be avoided, but stomatal limitation to photosynthesis remained. When SWC exceeded 15 %, stomatal limitation to photosynthesis could be avoided, indicating elm seedlings might tolerate moderate drought. and Y.-G. Li ... [et al.].