The objective of this paper is to simulate flow frequency distribution curves for Amazon catchments with the aim of scaling power generation from small hydroelectric power plants. Thus, a simple nonlinear rainfall-runoff model was developed with sigmoid-variable gain factor due to the moisture status of the catchment, which depends on infiltration, and is considered a factor responsible for the nonlinearity of the rainfall-runoff process. Data for a catchment in the Amazon was used to calibrate and validate the model. The performance criteria adopted were the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (R²), the RMS, the Q95% frequency flow percentage error, and the mean percentage errors ranging from Q5% to Q95%.. Calibration and validation showed that the model satisfactorily simulates the flow frequency distribution curves. In order to find the shortest period of rainfall-runoff data, which is required for applying the model, a sensitivity analysis was performed whereby rainfall and runoff data was successively reduced by 1 year until a 1.5-year model application minimum period was found. This corresponds to one hydrological year plus the 6-month long ''memory''. This analysis evaluates field work in the ungauged sites of the region. and Cieľom tohto príspevku je simulácia čiar rozdelenia prietokov pre povodia rieky Amazonka pre potreby hodnotenia premeny energie v malých hydroelektrárňach. Preto bol vyvinutý jednoduchý nelineárny zrážko-odtokový model so sigmoidálne sa meniacim zdrojovým faktorom v závislosti od obsahu vody v povodí, ktorý závisí od infiltrácie a je považovaný za faktor, spôsobujúci nelinearitu zrážkoodtokových procesov. Pre kalibráciu a validizáciu modelu boli použité údaje z povodí rieky Amazonka. Použili sme tieto hodnotiace kritériá: Nashov-Sutcliffov koeficient (R²), RMS, Q95%, chyba určenia odtoku v percentách, a priemerná percentuálna chyba v rozsahu od Q5% do Q95%. Kalibrácia a validizácia ukázala, že model simuluje čiary rozdelenia prietokov uspokojivo. Aby bolo možné nájsť najkratšie obdobie pre nájdenia závislosti zrážky - odtok, ktorá je potrebná pre aplikáciu v modeli, použili sme citlivostnú analýzu tak, že údaje zrážky - odtok boli postupne redukované o jeden rok, až kým nebolo nájdené minimálne obdobie pre aplikáciu vzťahu zrážky - odtok 1,5 roka. Toto obdobie zodpovedá jednému hydrologickému roku, plus 6 mesiacov dlhá ''pamäť''. Touto analýzou boli vyhodnotené výsledky terénnych meraní v oblastiach, kde neboli k dispozícii merania odtoku.
Objective. The Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) is a new and promising tool for measuring clients’ preferences regard-ing psychotherapy. However, the psychometric evaluation of this measure is scarce in general and completely missing for the Czech adapta-tion of the measure. This study aimed to test the Czech version of the C-NIP factor structure, test its measurement invariance, and establish cut points. Methods.N = 772 adults answered the C-NIP in an online survey. Confirmatory and explora-tory factor analyses were used to test the fac-tor structure and assess the C-NIP measurement invariance between men and women and across several levels of psychotherapy experience.Results. The original four-factor model was not supported. Instead, a five-factor model was sug-gested that fit the data adequately and was strict-ly invariant with respect to gender and levels of experience with psychotherapy. Conclusions. The Czech C-NIP can be con-sidered a valid and reliable measure of clients’ preferences regarding psychotherapy. The repli-cation of the new factor model is needed. and Cíl. Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) představuje nejnovější a slibný nástroj určený k měření preferencí klientů ve vztahu k psychoterapii. Psychometrické zhodnocení to-hoto nástroje je však zatím sporé a u české verze zcela chybí. Cílem této studie bylo ověřit fakto-rovu strukturu české verze C-NIP, ověřit invari-anci měření a stanovit hraniční skóry. Metody.N = 772 dospělých respondentů vypl-nilo C-NIP v online průzkumu. K ověření fak-torové struktury a invariance měření mezi po-hlavími a napříč různými úrovněmi zkušenosti s psychoterapií byla použita konfirmační fakto-rový analýza. Výsledky. Původní faktorová struktura nebyla podpořena. Namísto toho byl navržen pětifak-torový model, který vykazoval adekvátní shodu s daty a byl striktně invariantní ve vztahu k po-hlaví i úrovni zkušenosti s psychoterapií. Závěr. Českou verzi C-NIP lze považovat za validní a reliabilní nástroj na měření preferencí klientů ve vztahu k psychoterapii. Je zapotřebí replikovat navrženou faktorovou strukturu.
This study tested whether cell cycle inhibitor mitomycin C (MMC) prevents arthrogenic contracture progression during remobilization by inhibiting fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis in the joint capsule. Rat knees were immobilized in a flexed position to generate flexion contracture. After three weeks, the fixation device was removed and rat knees were allowed to freely move for one week. Immediately after and three days after fixator removal, rats received intra-articular injections of MMC or saline. The passive extension range of motion (ROM) was measured before and after myotomy of the knee flexors to distinguish myogenic and arthrogenic contractures. In addition, both cellularity and fibrosis in the posterior joint capsule were assessed histologically. Joint immobilization significantly decreased ROMs both before and after myotomy compared with untreated controls. In saline-injected knees, remobilization increased ROM before myotomy, but further decreased that after myotomy compared with that of knees immediately after three weeks of immobilization. Histological analysis revealed that hypercellularity, mainly due to fibroblast proliferation, and fibrosis characterized by increases in collagen density and joint capsule thickness occurred after remobilization in saline-injected knees. Conversely, MMC injections were able to prevent the remobilization-enhanced reduction of ROM after myotomy by inhibiting both hypercellularity and joint capsule fibrosis. Our results suggest that joint capsule fibrosis accompanied by fibroblast proliferation is a potential cause of arthrogenic contracture progression during remobilization, and that inhibiting fibroblast proliferation may constitute an effective remedy.