In the phylogenetic history of photosynthesis the C4 photosynthetic pathway is a rather latě, a nearly recent event. With the background of globál CO2 starvation and given the evolutionary competence, different ecological constraints as water and/or nitrogen deficiency oř salinity could be the driving forces in distinct habitats for selection of genotypes with a CO2 pump. Whether C3-like C3-C4 intermediate species BLS Moricandia arvensis with a less efficient CO2 pump are on the way to C4 photosynthesis remains an open question. Selection for a somewhat improved CO2 concentration mechanism under strong selective pressure seems to be a possible experimental approach to imitate evolutionary steps in adaptation to CO2 starvation.
The Institute of Ethnology, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
The activities of the institute started in 1954; the new name The Institute of Ethnology has been used since 1994. The activities of the institute consist of both basic and applied research in the field of ethnology in a broad interdisciplinary context. Several periodicals are published by the institute, for example Český lid ("Czech Folk" - the oldest one, founded in 1891), and an ethnographic bibliography. Several volumes of the publication Czechoslovak national history and geography were prepared here as well. The members of the institute publish in our country as well abroad, some of them work as external teachers at universities. At present, an extremely important work is being prepared - an Ethnographic Encyklopaedia. The institute has its own centre of scienific information which gathers and documents the archives collections, written and graphical materials, sound and audiovisual records. The instiute has also important contacts with foreign institutions based on study visits and teaching programmes especially in Passau (Germany), Oxford, Bonn, Basel etc. The institute cooperates also with CEFRES, EASA, ISEF, IEEWG, ICTM and many European institutions. Director: doc. PhDr. Lubomír Tyllner, CSc., The Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno
Within the collecting action "Das Volkslied in Österreich/The Folk Song in Austria came into being Pracovní výbor. po českou národní píseň na Moravě a ve Slezsku/The Working Committee for the Czech Folk Song in Moravia and Silesia. It was in 1905, in Brno, and the composer L. Janáček was appointed as a chairman. In 1919, the activities of the committee were followed by Státní stav pro lidovou píseň/The State Institute for Folk Songs. When Ústav pro etnografii a folkloristiku ČSAV/The Institute of Ethnography and Folklor Studies was founded in Brno, 1954, the song archives were transferrred to Brno. The current research of the institute (since 2000 it is called Etnologický ústav AVČR/The Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) is concentrated on the traditional music, its bearers and interpreters, folklore studies, social culture, chldren´s culture, youth culture, ethnic stereotypes, the Czech minorities (Vienna, Bosnia). The scholars of the institute give lectures at the Masaryk University, and cooperate with the Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice. The institute is in charge of the largest collection of folk songs in the Czech Republic which is published according to the regions. Of top of its own library it owns the library of O. Sirovátka that is focused on folk literature. The institute is in close touch with ethnographic institutions in Slovakia, Germany or Austria. The proceedings of conference held by the institute, songs collections and works from the hereditaments of O. Sirovátka (head of the institute from 1990 till 1992) are published in a special edition. The institute took part in the Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska/The Etnographical Encyclopaedia of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia and Vlastivěda Moravská/The History and Geography of Moravia, volume 10 Lidová kultura na Moravě/The Folk Culture in Moravia (2000)., The Institute of Folk Culture, Strážnice
A new specialized ethnographic institute came into being in Strážnice (southeastern Moravia) by the profesionalisation of an folklore festival office in 1956. Its workers arranged the festivals, collections, and library. In 1964 they started to publish the magazine Národopisné aktuality/The Ethnographical News (editor J. Tomeš). According to the new regulations (1968) there was created The Institute of Folk Arts in Strážnice. The institute studies and documents the folk culture and every year arranges The International Folklore Festival, and since 1973 it has been creating The Museum of Southeastern Moravia Village. The institute arranges conferences and seminars with international participation. The outcomes are published in an edition called Folk Culture and Present. The institute keeps records of all folklore events in the former Czechoslovakia. Since 1991 Ústav lidové kultury/The Institute of Folk Culture is directed by MInistry of Culture. The institute continues in the research and documentation of folk culture, and organizes folklore and educative activities. Not only the institute publishes Journal of Ethnography (since 1990), it also realized the project of videodocument The Folk Dances of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (1994-97), since 1996 it is in charge of UNESCO grant for documentation and selected trades and folk art production. The institute is the seat of the Czech section of CIOFF, an organization of UNESCO for folklore festivals and folk art., and Anglické abstrakty s šifrou (št) - abstrakt 1 a šifrou (lv) - abstrakt 2 a 3 jsou uvedeny na str, 196-198.