A new method of positional reduction of all-sky photographs taking into account the difference of zenith and the centre of projection is presented. The importance of the exact knowledge of the exposure. time for the evaluation of meteor photographs is demonstrated.
The paper deals with the topical issue of families in which mothers do not take parental leave and instead fathers take care of their children. The paper is based on a set of qualitative interviews with five couples. Whereas mothers are perceived routinely as naturally child-rearing person in a couple who give up her labour activity, interviewed women decided to continue working while their partners stay at home and takes care of baby. These women experienced negative reactions of other mothers and society as a whole against them because they prefered their jobs and carriers to the family. Respondents regarded that their role of mother was weakened as well as their feminine identity. However fathers are positively perceived in the society, because they can maintain different social role from traditional breadwinner. As a result, it can cause some difficulties for these women who can experience better opportunities on the labour market but more inequalities in social relations.
Cryptosporidium parvum, Tyzzer, 1912 is identified as a common cause of diarrhoea in immunocompetent individuals. In immunocompromised, especially HIV-infected subjects, cryptosporidiosis causes severe chronic diarrhoea. In this study, nitazoxanide (NTZ) was compared for curative activity with sinefungin (SNF) and paromomycin (PRM) in immunosuppressed rats, a screening model for anticryptosporidial agents. NTZ at either 50 mg/kg/day, 100 mg/kg/day or 200 mg/kg/day resulted in seven days in a dose-dependent inhibition of oocyst shedding similar to that obtained with SNF (10 mg/kg/day) and PRM (100 mg/kg/day). Further discontinuation of SNF or PRM 100 mg/kg/day therapy resulted in early relapse of oocyst shedding which reached the pre-treatment levels in 2-4 days. In contrast, seven days after discontinuation of therapy, shedding inhibition was unchanged in NTZ-treated rats. Data prompt further assessment of the activity of NTZ on sequestered C. parvum.
The branch of physics dealing with the physical theory of music is called musical acoustics. it has been established by Pythagoras and Eucleides who introduced and explained its fundamental concepts. They showed that basic consonant intervals were determined by small prime numbers. The introductory part of this article is devoted to the sound in general. Then it continues with the tones and their properties. It demonstrates how almost all the music is based on merely three basic intervals. The article explaines the difference between the concept of consonancy and euphony. requirements leading to creation of musical scales are set and the comae are arrived at. Finally, the tempered tuning is introduced., Hudební akustika je vlastně fyzikální teorií hudby. O její vznik se zasloužili Pythagoras a Eukleidés, kteří zavedli a vysvětlili fundamentální pojmy. Ukázali, že základní konsonantní intervaly jsou určeny malými prvočísly. Tento článek v úvodu věnuje pozornost zvuku obecně, návazně tónům a jejich vlastnostem. Demonstruje, jak téměř celá hudba spočívá pouze na třech nepřevodných intervalech. Vysvětluje, čím se liší pojmy konsonance a libozvučnost. Odvozuje, na základě jakých požadavků byla vytvořena hudební stupnice a jak vznikají komata. Jejich zanedbáním přechází k temperovanému ladění a ukazuje, do jaké míry jsou jím postiženy hudební intervaly., and Jiří Pavluch.