With regard to the water quality changes, the area of the Czech part of the Elbe River basin is extraordinarily dynamic. In the 20th century it experienced an enormous increase of load of pollution. Since the beginning of the 1990´s due to the political and economical changes we have witnessed a particularly intensive decrease in the emission volume and a related increase in water quality of watercourses. However, positive changes in the pollution load balance have occurred mainly in the biggest watercourses and these changes have not been accompanied by similar development in the whole river system. Using a newly created classification methodology the basic models of dynamics of water quality changes in the Elbe River basin have been derived. Based on GIS geostatistical analysis, regions with analogous water quality development trends have been defined for selected parameters and critical areas have been identified. It has become apparent that the prevailing part of the Elbe River basin has been experiencing a gradual increase in pollution. In addition, after a previous decrease, a number of watercourses experienced a recurrence of the increase in load. These areas are priorities for further development and the control of surface water protection against pollution. and Oblast české části povodí Labe je z hlediska změn kvality vody mimořádně dynamická. Díky intenzivnímu vývoji antropogenních aktivit a společenským změnám zaznamenala v průběhu 20. století nejprve enormní nárůst zátěže znečištěním, od počátku 90. let jsme naopak svědky mimořádně intenzivního snížení objemu emisí a souvisejícího zvyšování jakosti vody v tocích. Pozitivní změny v látkové bilanci jsou však soustředěny především na největší toky – Labe a Vltavu a nejsou doprovázeny obdobným vývojem v celém povodí. Pomocí nově vytvořené metodiky klasifikace vývoje kvality vody prezentované v článku byly na základě geostatistické analýzy sestaveny základní modely časové dynamiky změn kvality vody v povodí Labe. Pro jednotlivé ukazatele byly na základě analýzy v prostředí GIS vymezeny regiony s analogickými trendy vývoje kvality povrchových vod a identifikovány kritické oblasti. Ukazuje se, že přes pozitivní vývoj jakosti vody v hlavních sídelních a průmyslových regionech v 90. letech převažující část povodí Labe stále zaznamenává v jednotlivých ukazatelích postupný nárůst znečištění, na řadě toků navíc po předchozím poklesu dochází k opětovnému nárůstu zátěže. Tyto oblasti představují prioritu pro další rozvoj a řízení ochrany povrchových vod před znečištěním.
We present here the problem of continuous dependence for generalized linear ordinary differential equations in the case when uniform convergence is violated. This work continues research of M. Ashordia (1993) and M. Tvrdý (2002).
The article is focused on the choice of interpolation types for toolpaths in NC programs. Interpolation type affects the interpretation of an NC program by the control system used in a CNC machine tool. It is important for a production engineer to know about the consequences of the use of various interpolation types in a specific CAM system for toolpath creation. For testing purposes, a general profile of a blade typically utilized in energy devices was used, with toolpaths for contour milling of its profile based on three interpolation types available in the CATIA CAM system (linear int., linear + circular int. and spline interpolation). The comparison of toolpaths is based on the number of blocks of the NC program, feed-rate profile measurement and measurement of machining time. For the machining and measurements, a real three-axis machine tool with the Sinumerik 840D control system has been used. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Prolamellar bodies (PLBs) isolated from dark-grown, 6.5-d-old leaves of wheat (Triticum aesíivum L. cv. Kosack) were treated with the carboxylic acid cross-linker l-ethyl-3-[3-(diniethylaniino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC) or with the lysině specific cross-linker 2-iniinothiolane. SDS-PAGE showed that the most prominenent cross- linked product was a dimer of the NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (PCR), but also larger aggregates of the polypeptide were identified by inununological detection on electro-blots. A two-dimensional diagonál gel showed that much of the cross-linking was between the PCR polypeptides. The cross-linkers induced a shift of the fluorescence peak to shorter wavelengths, a bandwidth increase of the fluorescence peak, and an increase of the fluorescence yield. In the presence of NADPH the blue shift was reduced, but the increase in the fluorescence yield still occmred. A cross-linker treatment of PLBs prior to solubilization with 1-0-n-octyl-P -D-glucopyranoside (octylglucoside) delayed, but did not prevent the spectral shifts from 657 to 646 nm and from 646 to 635 nm observed in non-cross-linked detergent- treated PLBs. The cross-linking did not prevent a spectral shift, corresponding to the Shibata shift, of Chlide. Thus the spectral shifts are not strictly coupled to disaggregation of the PCR polypeptides.