Modular combat set (MBK) is a set of components to support small combat units (usually squads and platoons). Except of small arms or support weapons and STANO devices, the set includes a ''smart'' part of ISTAR architecture components. MBK ISTAR sets shall support situational awareness of lower-level commanders and co-ordination of small units with fire support as well as expand capabilities of reconnaissance and military intelligence, particularly of small unmanned aerial vehicles. MBK ISTAR architecture is based on effective and system use of electromagnetic spectrum in order to achieve sensory and information dominance over the assigned area. and Modulární bojový komplet (MBK) je sestava komponent pro podporu malých bojových jednotek (typicky družstev a čet). Mimo ruční či podpůrné palné zbraně a prostředky STANO, zahrnuje i ''chytrou'' část, tvořenou komponenty architektury ISTAR. Komplety MBK ISTAR mají podpořit situační vědomí nižších velitelů, součinnost malých jednotek s palebnou podporou a rozšířit možnosti průzkumu či využití vojskového zpravodajství, zejména malých bezpilotních prostředků. Architektura MBK ISTAR je založena na efektivním a systémovém využití elektromagnetického spektra s cílem dosáhnout senzorické a informační dominance nad svěřenou oblastí.
The computational model of the reed-based element is in scope of this article. This element is studied for its potential suitability to generate an arfificial source voice. Compressed air is being used like a source of the energy to produce the voiced speech (similar to the healthy voiced speech). Two-way iteraction of solid and fluid part of the computational model has been considered for the solution. Computation has been performed by the finite element method (Ansys) and results have been processed by the sofsware MATLAB. Basic characteristics like a frequency spectrum and a fundamental frequency of generated source voice are evaluated. Relationship between deformation of the reed and the pressure in front of the reed is presented. This characteristic represents one of the basic phonation theories which are in our scope. This theory is based on the compressed air ‘bubble‘. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The classical result on singularities for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations says that the 1-dimensional Hausdorff measure of the set of singular points is zero. For a stochastic version of the equation, new results are proved. For statistically stationary solutions, at any given time t, with probability one the set of singular points is empty. The same result is true for a.e. initial condition with respect to a measure related to the stationary solution, and if the noise is sufficiently non degenerate the support of such measure is the full energy space.
Predicting surface deformations caused by underground mining is an issue of significance both for the safety of overlaying facilities and for economic purposes. There are many different models for predicting the impact of underground mining on the land surface. One of them is the Knothe model commonly used in Poland and in the world. The paper presents two methods of estimating Knothe model parameters uncertainty. The parallel application of two methods enables the mutual verification of the results obtained and the identification of the potential errors and their sources in the case of any discrepancies. The first method is based on the so-called law of propagation of uncertainty, which in essence is the approximation based on the first-order Taylor series expansion. The second presented method is based on the Monte Carlo simulation.