In this paper, we study the limit properties of countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains in the generalized gambling system by means of constructing compatible distributions and martingales. By allowing random selection functions to take values in arbitrary intervals, the concept of random selection is generalized. As corollaries, some strong limit theorems and the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) theorems for countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains in the generalized gambling system are established. Some results obtained are extended.
Portrét čínského fyzika, který získal v r. 2009 Nobelovu cenu za vynikající zásluhy o realizaci přenosu světla vlákny pro optické komunikace., Charles Kuen Kao ; přeložil Ivan Gregora., and Rubrika: Nobelova cena za fyziku
Thermal stability of thylakoid membranes isolated from acclimated and non-acclimated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. HD 2329) leaves under irradiation was studied. Damage to the photosynthetic electron transport activity was more pronounced in thylakoid membranes isolated from non-acclimated leaves as compared to thylakoid membrane isolated from acclimated wheat leaves at 35 °C. The loss of D1 protein was faster in non-acclimated thylakoid membrane as compared to acclimated thylakoid membranes at 35 °C. However, the effect of elevated temperature on the 33 kDa protein associated with oxygen evolving complex in these two types of thylakoid membranes was minimal. Trypsin digestion of the 33 kDa protein in the thylakoid membranes isolated from control and acclimated seedlings suggested that re-organisation of 33 kDa protein occurs before its release during high temperature treatment. and A. K. Singh, G. S. Singhal.
The exploitation of a mode locked train laser pulse for satellite ranging has been used. The Nd YAG oscillator/amplifier/frequency doubler/laser generates a mode locked train at 0.53um, most of the energy is contained in three pulses, the individual pulse duration is 70psec. During the 1963 Merit Campaign, within 4 months, 10 low satellite passes and 31 Lageos passes have been ranged. When tho mode locked substructure has been resolved for the received signal (50 % of passes), the BMS was 6-8 cm.
Contemporary, the magneto-optical Kerr effect present in the base of methods used to analyze magnetisation of surfaces and thin layers, is a point of a great interest. The local application, high senzibility and fast feedback belong to its advantages. The paper shows some results obtained while verifying the functionality of a new magnetometer setup designed in ILC in Bratislava. A 70 nm thick layer of Co on Si substrate and also an amorphous Fe-Ni-Nb- -B alloy, in AC external magnetic field and longitudinal and polar configurations were used. and Magneto-optický Kerrov jav je v súčasnosti stredobodom záujmu ako základ metódy využívanej na analýzu magnetizácie povrchov a tenkých vrstiev. K jeho prednostiam patrí lokálnosť aplikácie, vysoká citlivosť a rýchlosť odozvy. V predloženej práci prezentujeme niektoré z výsledkov, získaných pre overenie vhodnosti magnetometra, navrhnutého v MLC pre tieto účely. Sú uvedené orientačné testovacie výsledky dosiahnuté pri striedavom vonkajšom magnetickom poli, v pozdĺžnej a polárnej konfigurácii, na vrstve Co nadoponovanej na kremíku a vrstve amorfného materiálu typu Fe-Ni-Nb-B zliatiny.
From May 1993 to April 1995, the seasonal occurrence of metacestodes of Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus (Wedl, 1855) (Cyclophyllidea: Dilepididae) in its second intermediate host, the blue bream Abramis ballerus (L.) was studied monthly in the Oder River on the borders of Germany and Poland. Based on the parasite specimens found, detailed data on their morphometries are presented. The metacestodes occurred in the blue bream intestine throughout the year (overall prevalence 27% and intensity 1-56 (mean 4.8) metacestodes per infected fish). Increased prevalences and mean intensities of infection were noted from March to June and November to December indicating that spring, late autumn and early winter are the main periods of new infections.