The Rom first enteredMoravia at the beginning of the fifteenth century and in the course of time their numhers increased. Because of their distincteness, different lifestyle and hehaviour the majoritě society accepted them with mistrust, uneasiness andgrowing antagonism. These negative attitudes resulted in repressive normative acts that represented the basis of restriction, banishment and persecution of the Rom immigrants. The anti-Rom manhunts started in the sixteenth century, continued and escalated in the next decades and culminated in the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The discrimination and persecution then continued, in a somewhat more moderate character, and didn ’t stop even in the rule oflaw: in the Austrian monarchy as well as in the democratic Czechoslovakia the Rom kept being citizens of the second rank.
The paper is continuation of the first part, which was devoted to the worldwide development of particle accelerators, and then to linear accelerators that have been in operation in the Czech land. This paper deals with (1) cyclotrons for research, production of radiotherapy, (2) synchrotrons, though their implementation was not realized, (3) betatrons for defectoscopy and radiotherapy, and (4) microtrons., Článek navazuje na první část, v níž byl stručně podán celosvětový vývoj urychlovačů částic, a poté probrány urychlovače lineární, které byly či jsou provozovány v českých zemích. Tento článek je věnován (1) cyklotronům výzkumným, k výrobě radiofarmak i pro radioterapii, (2) synchrotronům, k jejichž realizaci u nás nedošlo, (3) betatronům defektoskopickým i radioterapeutickým a (4) mikrotronům., Igor Janovský, Čestmír Šimáně., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Two methods have been developed concurrently for hyperspectral measurements of plant canopy reflectance in two narrow wavelength bands centred around 531 and 570 nm. A laboratory-built two-channel radiometer provided an easy and quick estimation of the Photochemical Reflectance Index PRI = (R531 - R570)/(R570 + R531) of a plot of alfalfa. A CCD digital camera provided multispectral imaging and the analysis of this index on the same target. The two devices are complementary. The results of measurements are complementary with those of chlorophyll fluorescence induction. and M. Méthy, R. Joffre, S. Rambal.