We undertook a detailed ultrastructural investigation to gain insight into the early stages of development of the vermiform myxozoan, Buddenbrockia plumatellae Schröder, 1910 in two bryozoan hosts. Early cell complexes arise in the peritoneum after division and migration of isolated cells in the host body wall. The development of cell junctions linking the outer (mural) cells of the complex then produces a sac enclosing a mass of inner cells. Elongation to the vermiform stage (myxoworm) occurs during multiplication and reorganisation of the inner cells as a central core within the single-layered sac wall. The core cells develop into muscle and sporogonic cells separated from the mural cells by a basal lamina. Myogenesis occurs along the length of the myxoworm from cells that differentiate from the central core, and is independent of elongation. Four primary sporogonic cells maintain positions close to the basal lamina, between muscle cells, while giving rise to secondary sporogonic cells that eventually become free in the central cavity. At least some secondary sporogonic cells undergo meiosis. In view of the recent confirmation of the phylogenetic affinity of Buddenbrockia with the Cnidaria, we postulate how features observed in Buddenbrockia may be homologous with cnidarian structures. Finally we propose a new family name, Buddenbrockiidae, to replace Saccosporidae which was proposed previously in breach of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Regional design flood computation formulae in Slovakia were traditionally based on the regionalisation of the 100-year flood discharge. Floods with shorter return periods have usually been computed by regional frequency factors from the 100-year flood discharge. Several previous studies have indicated that a rather high safety factor is included in some of the traditional regional formulae. In this paper therefore an alternative method for the determination of the flood frequency curve in ungauged catchments in the high core mountain region of Slovakia has been investigated. Floods from rainfall and snowmelt were treated separately; the study was focused on summer floods. For the division catchments into pooling groups subjective and objective methods e.g. cluster analysis were used. The methodology was based on the regional estimation of the index flood and its standard deviation from catchment characteristics. Flood quantiles were determined from a two-parameter distribution. The performance of several regional methods was compared and the applicability of the tested methods for various hydraulic and hydro-ecological design tasks was also discussed. and Odhad N-ročných maximálnych prietokov bol na Slovensku tradične založený na regionalizácii maximálnych storočných prietokov. V príspevku sme preto navrhli a testovali alternatívne regionálne metódy nepriameho odhadu štatistických charakteristík maximálnych prietokov v letnej sezóne v oblasti Tatier. Skúmali sme viaceré možnosti rozdeliť tento región na oblasti s rovnakým vzťahom medzi podmieňujúcimi činiteľmi tvorby odtoku a priemernou hodnotou a smerodajnou odchýlkou maximálnych letných prietokov. Subregióny boli konštruované použitím subjektívnych úvah, logickým delením, ako aj pomocou objektívnych metód využívajúc princípy zhlukovej analýzy. Regionálne vzťahy na určovanie charakteristík maximálnych letných prietokov boli odvodené použitím viacnásobnej regresie. V závere sme porovnali hodnoty N-ročných maximálnych letných prietokov určené použitím viacerých metód a diskutovali sme vhodnosť použitia aplikovaných postupov pre inžiniersku prax.