Článek je kritickou úvahou nad edicí barokní prózy Martina z Kochemu Velký život Krista. Analyzuje literární charakter vydávaného textu a ve vztahu k němu adekvátnost editorských komentářů, transkripčních pravidel a interpretačních přístupů. S přihlédnutím k dalším edicím reflektuje obecné trendy a také nevyužité možnosti současného vydávání české literatury raného novověku. and This article considers Velký život Krista, a Czech edition of Leben Christi, Baroque verse by Martin von Cochem (1634–1712). The author analyzes the literary nature of the published text, and the suitability of the editorial commentary, the rules of transcription, and the approaches to interpretation. With respect to future editions, he considers the general trends and missed opportunities of publishing Early Modern Czech literature today.
We present the crustal deformation field in the Penola Strait – Lemaire Channel fault area (West Antarctica), based on the analysis of the 5 seasonal cycles of static GNSS survey. This 5 GNSS campaigns were conducted with approximately a 16-year interval from 2003 to 2019. The analyses indicate that average linear velocities of horizontal movements are multidirectional but no larger than 1 – 2 mm/yr. Average linear velocities of vertical movements are no larger than ±3 mm/yr. In the present work scheme of vertical and horizontal movements has been drawn out. The obtained results correlate well with the movements of the surrounding GNSS stations. Based on the analysis of spatial distribution of the Earth’s surface dilatation velocity the zones of extreme compression and expansion values were revealed. The analyses of spatial distribution of the Earth’s surface total shear velocity indicate that the studied region is horizontally heterogeneous. Based on the analysis of obtained results, a new kinematic model of fault area was developed. The possibility of using static GNSS survey to study recent local geodynamic processes in Antarctica has been demonstrated.