A cytoskeletal network contributes significantly to intracellular regulation of mechanical stresses, cell motility and cellular mechanics. Thus, it plays a vital role in defining the mechanical behaviour of the cell. Among the wide range of models proposed for dynamic behaviour of cytoskeleton, the soft glassy rheology model has gained special attention due to the resemblance of its predictions with the mechanical data measured from experiment. The soft glassy material, theory of soft glassy rheology and experiment on cytoskeleton has been discussed, which leads to a discussion of the unique features and flaws of the model. The soft glassy rheological model provides a unique explanation of the cytoskeleton ability to deform, flow and remodel. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Anguillicola australiensis (Johnston et Mawson, 1940) is widespread and common in Anguilla reinhardtii Steidachner in rivers and dams of eastern Queensland, Australia, having been found in nine out of ten localities. Overall prevalence was 50% and maximum local prevalence reached 77.7%. The parasite never attained high levels of abundance and maximum adult abundance never exceeded 3.22 or intensity 10. Adults were overdispersed throughout the eel populations and abundance was unrelated to eel or swimbladder size. The greater part of the adult population was composed of immature parasites. The occurrence of larvae in the swimbladder wall was erratic and unrelated to the size of the adult population. Larvae were never abundant and the great majority were damaged by a host response. It appears that parasites either pass through the swimbladder wall rapidly and moult to adults or if delayed are destroyed. There was no indication that a paratenic host was involved in the life cycle. There was no evidence that adult parasites had any local pathogenic effects on their hosts. The population biology of Anguillicola australiensis in its natural host Anguilla reinhardtii appears to be far more similar to those of other Pacific species of Anguillicola in Anguilla japonica in China and Japan than to A. crassus in Anguilla anguilla in Europe or Japan. This latter host-parasite combination appears to be the exception not the rule. It is suggested that the lack of pathogenicity of A. australiensis may reflect a long period of host-parasite co-evolution and/or lower transmission rates resulting in lower parasite population densities.