This article deals with a morphology analysis of polycrystalline ZNO thin films deposited by radio-frequency diode sputtering in Ar+ and Ar’+N2 atmosphere on the SiO2/Si and glass substrates. The surface structure of polycrystalline ZnO sputtered films of about 500 nm thickness was revealed using an atom force microscopy method and then after their thermal annealing at temperature 500 °C - 600 °C in N2 and H2+N2 forming gas atmosphere. The surface roughness and granularity of tested samples were analysed. The obtained results confirmed that sputtering conditions together with annealing have an effect on polycrystalline ZnO film characteristics. and Príspevok sa zaoberá povrchovou analýzou tenkých vrstiev polykryštalického ZnO, ktoré boli pripravené rádio-frekvenčným diódovým naprašovaním v Ar+ a Ar++ N2 atmosfére na substrátoch SiO2/Si a skle. Metódou atómovej silovej mikroskopie bola zisťovaná povrchová štruktúra polykryštalického ZnO s hrúbkou naprášených vrstiev ~ 500 nm a po ich následnom zažíhaní metódou rýchleho tepelného žíhania pri teplotách 500 - 600 °C v atmosfére N2 a H2+N2 formovacom plyne. Na meraných vzorkách boli vyhodnotené parametre drsnosti a zrnitosti povrchu. Dosiahnuté výsledky potvrdili, že podmienky naprašovania a následné žíhanie vplýva na štrukturálne vlastnosti polykryštalických vrstiev ZnO.
Correctly designed turbine is a necessary condition for efficient usage of water energy as a renewable resource. In solving this issue, the Theory of Physical Similarity of Hydraulic Machines is a useful tool. Its application in calculation model allows in approachable way by means of so-called specific speed to gain information on type and size of turbine for proposed hydropower plant. It is apparent from comparison of model outcomes and already realized solution (in this case hydropower plant Slapy on river Vltava) that the calculated values do not differ from the real ones more than by 10 %. and Pro efektivní využití vodní energie, coby obnovitelného zdroje, je nezbytnou podmínkou správně navržená turbína. Užitečným nástrojem při řešení této problematiky je teorie fyzikální podobnosti hydraulických strojů. Její aplikace ve výpočtovém modelu umožňuje pomocí tzv. měrných otáček dostupným způsobem získat informace o typu a rozměrech turbíny pro navrhované vodní dílo. Z porovnání výsledků modelu s již realizovaným řešením (zde hydroelektrárna Slapy na Vltavě) vyplývá, že programem vypočtené hodnoty se od skutečných neliší více než o 10 %.
Aqueous solutions of salicylic acid (SA) were applied to the foliage of 30-d-old plants of mustard (Brassica juncea Czern & Coss cv. Varuna). The plants sprayed with the lowest used concentration (10-5 M) of SA were healthier than those sprayed with water only or with higher concentrations of SA (10-4 or 10-3 M). 60-d-old plants possessed 8.4, 9.8, 9.3, 13.0 and 18.5 % larger dry mass, net photosynthetic rate, carboxylation efficiency, and activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase over the control, respectively. Moreover, the number of pods and the seed yield increased by 13.7 and 8.4 % over the control. and Q. Fariduddin, S. Hayat, A. Ahmad.
In this paper, two different analytical techniques for solving visual double star orbis with inclination equal to 90° are given. The first is based on Docobo´s method, and the second is derived by using the Fourier Transform for angular distances. Both techniques are applied to the pairs 1919252442 and 1933882339.
The annual oscillations of the brightnesses observed at 12 and 25 μm by IRAS near the ecliptic poles are mainly due to the inclination of the symmetry plane (SP) of the interplanetary dust cloud upon the ecliptic, but also, secondarily, to the eccentricity of the earth's orbit.
Comparing the brightnesses at the poles and in the ecliptic (near 90° elongation) allows a retrieval of the inclination i and ascending node Ω SP/ecliptic through an inversion technique, with very little model-dependence. The results (i = 1.5°, Ω = 90°) conflict with some of those previously obtained from the same observations by more model-dependent approaches, but they agree with former optical determinations from D2A satellite and from Tenerife
ground-based data.