An influence of changing the humic acids content on soil water repellency and saturated hydraulic conductivity was studied on soil samples of Mollic Gleysol from Cilizska Radvan in the Danubian Lowland. Water repellency was measured with the water drop penetration time (WDPT) test on original soil samples and on soil samples with increased humic acids content. Saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient was measured on the above-mentioned samples with falling head permeameter. From the results of measuring it follows that an increasing of humic acids content in soil resulted in an decreasing of the coefficient of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil under study. Original soil was non-water reppelent soil. Already a small increasing of humic acids content in soil (in 17.9 % at original amount) caused that the soil became slightly or strongly water repellent in the average of soil moisture 15-30 %. At soil moisture less than 15 % time of penetration decreased probably as a result of shrinking and cracking of the soil. Water repellency of soil samples from horizon 0 - 5 cm was usually higher than water repellency of soil samples from horizon 5 - 10 cm both in case of humic acids extracted from peat and in case of humic acids extracted from the same soil from Cilizska Radvan. and Na pôdnej vzorke čiernice glejovej (ČA G) (MKSP, 2000) z lokality Čiližská Radvaň v Podunajskej nížině bol skúmaný pomocou testu času vsaku kvapky vody (WDPT test) vplyv zmeny obsahu humínových kyselin na vodoodpudivosť a nasýtenú hydraulickú vodivosť pôdy. Vodoodpudivosť bola meraná na pôvodných pôdnych vzorkách a vzorkách zo zvýšeným obsahom humínových kyselín. Koeficient nasýtenej hydraulickej vodivosti bol meraný na týchto pôdnych vzorkách metódou premenlivého hydraulického sklonu. Z nameraných výsledkov vyplýva, že nárast obsahu humínových kyselín v pôde mal za následok pokles koeficientu nasýtenej hydraulickej vodivosti študovanej pôdy. Už malé zvýšenie obsahu humínových kyselín v pôde (o 17,9 % pôvodnej hodnoty ) spôsobilo, že pôda sa stala slabo až silne vodoodpudivou vo vlhkostnom rozsahu 15-30 %. Pri pôdnej vlhkosti nižšej ako 15 % sa čas vsakovania zmenšil pravdepodobne v dôsledku zmršťovania pôdy a vzniku puklín. Vodoodpudivosť pôdnych vzoriek z horizontu 0 - 5 cm vo väčšine prípadov bola vyššia než vodoodpudivosť pôdnych vzoriek z horizontu 5 - 10 cm aj v prípade pridania humínových kyselín, extrahovaných z rašeliny, aj v prípade pridania humínových kyselín, extrahovaných z tej istej pôdy.
Seven mite species belonging to the genus Syringophilopsis Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Prostigmata: Cheyletoidea) are recorded from 10 passeriform host species from the USA. Three new species are described and illustrated: Syringophilopsis polioptilus sp. n. from Polioptila caerulea (Linnaeus) (Polioptilidae); S. empidonax sp. n. from Empidonax hammondii (Vesey) and Empidonax wrightii Baird (Tyrannidae); and S. sialiae sp. n. from Sialia mexicana Swainson (Turdidae). In addition, records of new hosts are given: Turdus migratorius Linnaeus (Turdidae) for Syringophilopsis turdus (Fritsch, 1958); three tyrannid species (Tyrannidae), Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus), M. cinerascens (Lawrence) and Tyrannus verticalis Say for S. tyranni Bochkov et Galloway, 2004; Euphagus cyanocephalus (Wagler) (Icteridae) for S. elongatus (Ewing, 1911); and two parulid species (Parulidae), Dendroica graciae Baird and Wilsonia pusilla (Wilson) for S. dendroicae Bochkov et Galloway, 2001. All known species of the genus Syringophilopsis from the Nearctic Region are summarized in tabular form. Syringophilopsis porzanae Bochkov et Galloway, 2004 is reassigned to the genus Ascetomylla Kethley, 1970.
This paper tries to show Dvořák’s compositional approach to the central values and meanings of the libretto of Rusalka, by analysis of the dynamic curve of the opera’s recording. Two dynamic characteristics can be identified here – the gradually changing world of people, and the stable, silent world of the supernatural beings, differentiating in a way which is reminiscent of the treatment of dynamics in Wagner’s Tristan and Debussy’s Pelléas. The silent world of supernatural beings, represented especially by the enclosed strophic formations, offers the possibility of thematic introduction of an isolated fortissimo major chord, which does not gradate any more, as a symbol of the supernatural beings’ idealised pure idea of ‘death’, ‘love’, ‘soul’ and ‘sin’. In the course of the opera, the values become relative. In the final duet, Dvořák changes both worlds, the first time allocating to the Prince and Rusalka the opposite dynamic characteristics (a gradating one for Rusalka, a stable, silent one to the Prince). In the final, newly thematic fortissimo major chord, he again nods to the supernatural beings’ idealised ideas of love and death, expressed at the opening of the opera, and makes his treatment of the spiritual values and concept of the libretto clear.