Simple, accurate, and non-destructive methods for determining leaf area (LA) of plants are important for many experimental comparisons. Determining the individual LA of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) involves measurements of leaf parameters such as length (L) and width (W), or some combinations of these parameters. Two field experiments were carried out during 2003 and 2004 to compare predictive equations of sunflower LAs using simple linear measurements. Regression analyses of LA vs. L and W revealed several equations that could be used for estimating the area of individual sunflower leaves. A linear equation having W2 as the independent variable provided the most accurate estimate (r 2 = 0.98, MSE = 985) of sunflower LA. Validation of the equation having W2 of leaves measured in the 2004 experiment showed that the correlation between calculated and measured areas was very high. and Y. Rouphael ... [et al.].
Dňa 2. júla 2017 nás vo veku 80 rokov navždy opustil prof. RNDr. Ivan Baník, PhD., slovenský fyzik, vysokoškolský učiteľ, ale aj človek s dobrým srdcom a všestranným talentom. Po niekoľko desaťročí bol významným členom slovenskej fyzikálnej komunity a jeho nečakaný a rýchly odchod vyvolal smútok nielen v jeho rodine, ale aj medzi kolegami, študentmi a slovenskými fyzikmi. Preto sme sa rozhodli, pripomenúť si v tejto stručnej spomienke jeho výnimočnú osobnosť ako aj niektoré zaujímavosti z jeho života. and Marcela Chovancová, Jozef Leja.