Soil moisture content was measured by TDR sensors Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., today McCrometer CONNECT) in a loamy Chernozem on carbonate-rich loess substrate. The sensors, wrapped in slurry made of local soil and water, were installed horizontally into pre-made holes. The bias caused by imperfectly filled gaps between the wall of the hole and the sensor surface was reduced by field calibration. The same gaps made it possible to detect the preferential flow in soil macropores, due to which the reflectometric readings were perceivably higher than analogous readings before percolation events and sometimes higher than the native soil porosity. One typical event is presented. It is envisaged that sensors of this type can be used for semi-quantitative estimation of the preferential flux density, e.g. with the help of dual or multiple porous medium models or the momentum dissipation theory. and Vlhkost hlinité černozemní půdy na karbonátovém sprašovém substrátu byla měřena metodou TDR čidly Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., dnes McCrometer CONNECT). Čidla, obalená před osazením pastou z místní zeminy a vody, byla instalována vodorovně do předvrtaných otvorů. Systematická chyba způsobená nedokonale zaplněnými mezerami mezi čidlem a stěnou otvoru byla zmenšena terénní kalibrací. Tytéž mezery umožnily indikovat preferenční proudění v půdních makropórech, díky němuž byla reflektometrická měření citelně vyšší než analogické hodnoty před průsakovou epizodou a někdy i vyšší než pórovitost původní půdy. Je demonstrována jedna typická epizoda. Lze předpokládat, že čidla tohoto typu mohou být použita k semikvantitativnímu odhadu hustoty preferenčního toku, např. za pomoci modelů dvojného nebo vícenásobného pórovitého prostředí nebo teorie rozptylu hybnosti.
In the apical glandular region of the adult Proteocephalus torulosus (Batsch, 1786), two types of eccrine gland cells are present. The first type of unicellular gland produces large electron-dense granules of various sizes. The second type contains small electron-dense granules. Most cells form glands with large granules; glands with small granules are infrequent. The secretion of both types of gland cells is concentrated in the apical parts of the cyton and in the ducts opening to the exterior. On the scolex of P. torulosus, there are regional structural differences of the microthrix border. The apical glandular region bears filamentous microtriches only. On the remaining frontal part, surrounding the glandular region, there are blade-like and filamentous microtriches. The lateral parts of the scolex and suckers bear blade-like microtriches. Possible functions of both types of gland cells and different parts of the scolex microthrix border are discussed. The unique structure of the frontal part of the scolex of P. torulosus and its differences from Proteocephalus macrocephalus, P. longicollis and P. percae correlate well with the putative basal phylogenetic position of P. torulosus among European species of Proteocephalus.