We consider the two-dimesional spatially periodic problem for an evolutionary system describing unsteady motions of the fluid with shear-dependent viscosity under general assumptions on the form of nonlinear stress tensors that includes those with pstructure. The global-in-time existence of a weak solution is established. Some models where the nonlinear operator corresponds to the case p = 1 are covered by this analysis.
In Evernia prunastri, photosynthetic gas exchange was saturated with yellow radiation (SOX) at 400 μmol m-2s-1, and then red (R), far-red (FR), or blue (B) radiations at irradiance of 15 μmol m-2s-1 were added. Because of photosynthesis saturation, any stimulation or decay in CO2 assimilation by any radiation quality could be attributed to the involvement of a non-photosynthetic photoreceptor. Thus CO2 assimilation, effective quantum yield, and photochemical quenching were enhanced when R was included, and decreased with FR. Blue radiation completely abolished CO2 fixation. Hence different spectral radiation qualities may activate non-photosynthetic photoreceptors such as phytochrome and blue photoreceptors, which are involved in regulating the photosynthetic activity in E. prunastri. and M. Segovia, F. L. Figueroa.
Very Large Telescope (VLT) je zcela výjimečným dalekohledem postaveným organizací ESO na jižní polokouli v Atacamské poušti v chilských Andách ve výšce 2635 metrů. Jde o čtyři dalekohledy o průměru 8,2 metru, které v kombinovaném režimu odpovídají jednomu přístroji o průměru zrcadla 16 metrů. Do budoucna se plánuje ještě interferometrické propojení (VLTI - Very Large Telescope Interferometer) se základnou 200 metrů. Naše expedice PARACHI 2003 měla možnost VLT navštívit a vidět na vlastní oči současný stav tohoto astronomicky mimořádně cenného přístroje. and Petr Kulhánek, Jakub Rozehnal.