Nephrotoxicity of cisplatin (CP) involves renal oxidative stress and inflammation, and sesamin (a major liganin in many plants) has strong antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions. Therefore, we investigated here the possible mitigative action of sesamin on CP nephrotoxicity in rats. Sesamin was given orally (5 mg/kg/day, 10 days), and on the 7th day, some of the treated rats were injected intraperitoneally with either saline or CP (5 mg/kg). On the 11th day, rats were sacrificed, and blood and urine samples and kidneys were collected for biochemical estimation of several traditional and novel indices of renal damage in plasma and urine, several oxidative and nitrosative indices in kidneys, and assessment of histopathological renal damage. CP significantly and adversely altered all the physiological, biochemical and histopathological indices of renal function measured. Kidneys of CP‐treated rats had a moderate degree of necrosis. This was markedly lessened when CP was given simultaneously with sesamin. Sesamin treatment did not significantly alter the renal CP concentration. The results suggested that sesamin had ameliorated CP nephrotoxicity in rats by reversing the CP-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. Pending further pharmacological and toxicological studies sesamin may be considered a potentially useful nephroprotective agent.
In an article, I would like to present the mechanism for the politization of folklore, reaching for European examples. What interests me the most in this context is the idiom of traditional folk music and contemporary folk music. Then I will draw up contemporary strategies of manipulating tradition. Case study will be for me the movement of dance houses in Hungary and Poland. I decided to compare these two cases, because Polish dance houses are genetically and ideologically - which I will try to prove - related to the Hungarian ones. The analysis presented is based on the method of participant observation (Budapest, Poznań) and interviews with Polish dance house activists.
Observation objects, appropriately equiped boreholes, are widely used for analysis of water level, velocity and transport regimes, related to groundwater flows by solution of many practical problems. It concerns mainly hydrogeological investigation, optimal usage and protection of water resources against contamination, seepage through bodies and subsoils of dams as well as flood embankments, territory and excavation dewatering and many others problems. Aging processes of observations objects are related directly creation of objects, to medium stability problems in their vicinity, they used to be manifested fine particles deposition into the observation objects and, influencing of water level and flow velocities developments. The paper presents concrete information and knowledge from 32 years monitoring of aging processes of observation boreholes in subsoils of some Slovak dams. and Pozorovacie objekty, vhodne vystrojené vrty, sa široko využívajú na analýzy hladinových, rýchlostných i prenosových režimov súvisiacich s prúdením podzemných vôd pri riešení mnohých praktických problémov. Ide najmä o hydrogeologický prieskum, optimálne využívanie a ochranu vodných zdrojov pred znečistením, priesaky cez telesá a podložia priehrad i protipovodňových hrádzí, odvodňovanie území, stavebných jám a mnohé ďalšie problémy. Procesy starnutia bezprostredne súvisia s vytváraním pozorovacích objektov, s problémami stability prostredia v ich okolí, prejavujú sa zanášaním pevnými časticami i ovplyvnením vývoja hladín a rýchlostí prúdenia. V príspevku sú uvedené konkrétne poznatky z 32- ročného sledovania procesov starnutia pozorovacích objektov v podloží niektorých slovenských priehrad.