Changes in chlorophyll (Chl) a+b and a/b, senescence patterns during Chl loss and changes in net photosynthetic rate (P^) of four leaf flushes in Quercus acutissima and Q. serrata were studied. Emergent current-year leaves were classified according to the order of shoot growth flushes (first to fourth flush groups). Senescence patterns showed that leaf fall started from the leaf cohorts of the first flush group (the "oldest" leaf cohorts) which cuhninated upwards to the fourth leaf flush group (the "yoímgest" leaf cohorts). Senescence during Chl loss was accompanied by a decline in Pf^. A strong influence by the leaf flushing phenomenon on senescence was found which limited leaf bearing period and duration of Having large total leaf area and moderately long duration, tiie third and second leaf flush groups reflected the highest photosynthetic potential. This may be a positive attribute since the duration by which these plants maximize the use of its assimilatory organs is an important factor for their carbon fixation.
The second part of the study presents the results of the control stability judgement of the Lipno reservoir in the flood situations. For this solution were used the generated synthetic flood waves. This part is the continuation of the first part with methodology, published in 1/2008 of the JHH. and Tato část studie uvádí výsledky posouzení stability řízení nádrže Lipno za povodňových situací. K tomu byly využity soubory generovaných syntetických povodňových vln. Navazuje na první část s metodickými postupy, publikovanou v č. 1/2008 Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics.
Sexually dimorphic features of adult males and females of Soricidex dimorphus, a species unparalleled in its dimorphism by any described representative of the family Demodecidae, are compared by scanning electron microscopy. The account of sexual dimorphism in S. dimorphus is preceded by a review of sexually dimorphic features in other demodecid genera. Minute constituents of general morphology of demodecid mites such as claws, solenidia and spines of legs or palps, dorsal podosomal tubercles, and integumental slits and pores, part of which are reported and/or shown in scanning electron micrographs for the first time, are also receiving detailed attention.