This article deals with intercultural contact in branches of multinational companies or corporations founded in the Czech Republic by German, Austrian or Swiss owners. Multinationalbusinesses (large ones in particular) are trying to regulate the communication within the company. This is achieved predominantly by introducing an official corporate language in the company, employing people fluent in the language, and promoting language courses. Our research, based on the analysis of questionnaires and semi-structured interview data, has shown that the foreign employees seldom adapt to the language of the local employees, while the adaptation of the local employees to the language of the foreign ones is not only usual but also expected. The regulation of the communication therefore results in the promotion of primarily asymmetrical language adaptation, which benefits the German, Austrian and Swiss owners and the German-speaking foreign employees delegated by them (the so-called expatriates). However, the companies examined also promote the use of English to a considerable extent, which provides a basis for symmetrical communication between local and expatriate employees. and Der Artikel handelt über den interkulturellen Kontakt in multinationalen Unternehmen, die nach 1989 in der Tschechischen Republik durch deutsche, österreichische und schweizerische Unternehmen gegründet wurden. Multinationale Unternehmen (insbesondere die großen) versuchen die Kommunikation innerhalb des Unternehmens zu regulieren. Dies geschieht vor allem durch Einführung einer Firmensprache im Unternehmen, Anstellung von Mitarbeitern, die der Sprache mächtig sind, und Förderung von Sprachkursen.
In 9 % der Unternehmen ist das Tschechische die einzige Firmensprache, in 55 % übernimmt diese Aufgabe das Deutsche, in 16 % das Englische, in 15 % Deutsch und Englisch, in 5 % Deutsch und Tschechisch. Was die Sprachkurse betrifft, werden in 64 % der Unternehmen Deutschkurse, in 19 % Tschechischkurse und in 48 % Englischkurse gefördert.
Unsere auf Fragebögen und teilstrukturierten Interviews basierende Untersuchung hat gezeigt, dass sich die ausländischen, nach Tschechien entsandten Mitarbeiter nur selten an die Sprache der lokalen Mitarbeiter adaptieren, während die Adaptation der in Tschechien einheimischen Mitarbeiter an die Sprache der ausländischen Mitarbeiter nicht nur üblich ist, sondern auch erwartet wird. Die Regulierung der Kommunikation mündet also primär in eine asymmetrische sprachliche Adaptation zum Vorteil deutscher, österreichischer und schweizerischer Besitzer und deutschsprachiger ausländischer Mitarbeiter (sog. Expatriates), die durch die Besitzer nach Tschechien delegiert werden. Die untersuchten Unternehmen unterstützen jedoch in beachtlichem Ausmaß auch die Verwendung des Englischen, das eine Basis für symmetrische Kommunikation zwischen den in Tschechien einheimischen und nach Tschechien entsandten Mitarbeitern bildet.
Diese Adaptation betrifft jedoch konkret vor allem die Managementebene, während die Produktion weitgehend tschechisch geprägt bleibt. Weit verbreitet ist auch die Nicht-Adaptation, die zum Einsatz von Dolmetschern und Übersetzern führt. Dies ist – neben der asymmetrischen Adaptation und dem Rückgriff auf das Englische – in 80 % der Unternehmen bzw. in 95 % der großen Unternehmen der Fall.
Eine Detailbeschreibung der Kommunikation in einem der auf dem Gebiet der Tschechischen Republik tätigen Unternehmen des Siemens-Konzerns macht deutlich, wie die Funktionsstellen in einem Produktionsunternehmen besetzt und mit welcher sprachlichen Qualifikation diese verbunden werden, sie zeigt aber auch, wie sich die Firmensprache ändert, wie die interkulturelle Kommunikation unter Einsatz von sprachlich qualifizierten Mitarbeitern konkret abläuft und wie diese – etwa in Sprachkursen – auf ihre Aufgaben vorbereitet werden.
Publishing of the Commentaries on the Polish Ethnographic Atlas
(Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego) has been a
long-term project of Polish ethnology since the second half of the 20th century. starting with the sixth volume, they include maps, so the reader has both - the textual and the map part - at his disposal. After 1990, the volumes were devoted to the following topics: husbandry and cattle breeding (1993, 1994), vernacular
architecture (1995), diet (1996), transport and communication (1997), funeral customs (1999), folk beliefs and knowledge (2002), neighbourly help (2001), wedding ceremonies (2004, 2007, 2009), ceremonies related to childbirth (2010). The planned volumes will cover e.g. the puerperium, upbringing and life of children, etc.
Paper is aimed at small basins. It presents a brief overview of development of interests of professionals in them, and presents some ways of their practical use. Principle deepening of interest in small basins has brought the commencement of the global program of the cooperation of hydrologists - the International Hydrological Decade between 1965 and 1974. Within this Program there were clearly defined the importance and aims of research in small basins defined in two of their categories: experimental and representative. Experimental basins serve primarily for solving the problems of runoff formation and of its dynamics, using targeted experiments. Representative basins serve as a particular basin types, whose runoff regimes and relations to their physiographic properties are elucidated to that extent, that they can serve as an analogon for transfer of the gained knowledge to other similar basins, from which no information is available which is based on direct observations. For the time being, hydrological research in Slovakia is oriented into two experimental and two representative basins. Extension of the number of specialized basins is limited by available finances, particularly related to the up-to-date instrumentation. In the database of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI), there are long term data series stored from 70 small basins of Slovakia, with the catchment area from 5 to 200 km2 . Under present circumstances, the urgent task is to process this basic information in the adequate extent. That would extend the knowledge upon the runoff formation in the small basins and upon its regime, and simultaneously also make possible the use of these data, after evaluation of their representativness, for the use in hydrological analogy. and Príspevok je zameraný na malé povodia; dáva stručný prehľad vývoja záujmu hydrológov o ne a predkladá niekoľko možností ich ďalšieho využívania v hydrologickej praxi. Zásadné prehĺbenie záujmu o malé povodia priniesol program celosvetovej spolupráce hydrológov, nazvaný Medzinárodná hydrologická dekáda v rokoch 1965-1974. V ňom boli jasne definované význam a ciele sledovania malých povodí, rozčlenených do dvoch hlavných kategórií, na experimentálne a reprezentatívne povodia. Experimentálne povodia slúžia predovšetkým na riešenie problémov tvorby a priebehu odtoku pomocou cielených experimentov. Reprezentatívne povodia charakterizujú určitý typ povodia, ktorého režim odtoku a jeho podmienenosť fyzicko-geografickými vlastnosťami sú dostatočne objasnené, takže poznatky z nich získané slúžia hlavne prenosu na iné, podobné povodia, z ktorých nemáme údaje podložené priamymi meraniami. V súčasnosti sa slovenský hydrologický výskum zameriava na 2 experimentálne a 2 reprezentatívne povodia. Rozširovanie počtu špecializovaných malých povodí je obmedzené finančnými nákladmi, najmä na moderné prístrojové vybavenie. V archíve SHMÚ sú uložené údaje zo 70 malých povodí (plochy povodí od 5 do 200 km2 ) s dlhodobými radmi hodnôt. Za danej situácie je nutné vyhodnotiť tieto základné údaje v primeranom rozsahu, čo rozšíri nielen poznatky o tvorbe a priebehu odtoku v malých povodiach, ale umožní zhodnotiť aj ich reprezentatívnosť v hydrologickej analógii.
a1_Two full-length cDNAs (SGrca1 and SGrca2) encoding ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase (RCA) were cloned from a heterophyllous aquatic plant, Sagittaria graminea, using Rapid-Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE). SGrca1 contains a 1,320 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 440 amino acids, and SGrca2 is exactly identical to SGrca1 except for 330 bp missing in the middle of SGrca1. Sequence analysis of cDNA and genomic DNA indicated both two cDNAs were generated from a common gene via alternative splicing. The deduced amino acid sequence encoded by SGrca1 showed 75-82% identity with other RCAs from higher plants and showed high homology in three highly conserved motifs associated with ATP-binding sites. RT-PCR analysis suggested both SGrca1 and SGrca2 were expressed in green tissues. During a 14 h light/10 h dark photoperiod, both aerial and submerged leaves exhibited the similar expression pattern of SGrca1 and SGrca2 with SGrca1 as the dominant form, but the accumulation of both SGrca1 and SGrca2 mRNA was significantly inhibited in the submerged leaves., a2_Western blot analysis showed that both SGrca1 and SGrca2 had their translation products, the 43 kDa form and the 31 kDa form expressing in leaves. Interestingly, the aerial leaves expressed higher amount of the 43 kDa form compared with the 31 kDa form, while it was reversed in the submerged leaves. The results demonstrated that both environments regulated the RCA gene expression at both transcriptional and posttranscriptional level. In addition, co-immunoprecipitation assay revealed that the isolated Rubisco-RCA complex contained both the 43 and 31 kDa forms, and the proportion of the 31 kDa form was obviously enhanced in the submerged leaves. The results indicated that both the 43 kDa and 31 kDa forms were involved in Rubisco and RCA interaction and the increased incorporation of the 31 kDa form was associated with submerged photosynthetic environment., D. Wang, S. Z. Xie, J. Yang, Q. F. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
o reveal the dynamics of short-term photosynthetic acclimation to increased irradiance, the light response of photochemical (qp), non-photochemical (q^) and Fo (qo) quenchings of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and Chl and carotenoids compositíon in Norway spruce needles were monitored within three days after transfer of saplings ffom low diffuse irradiance (maximum photosynthetic photon fluence density PPFD 50 pmol m'^ s'i) to direct sun radiation (maximum PPFD 2000 pmol m‘2 s'*). Irradiance responses of fluorescence quenching coefficients revealed the occurrence of substantíal changes in partítioning of excitation energy between photochemical reactions and radiatíonless dissipation within two days. The saturating irradiance for qj,j and the capacity of non-radiatíve dissipation processes was shifted from about 450 pmol m'^ s** to 1620 pmol m-2 s'L Whereas immediately after exposure to ťull sunlight was completely reduced at 1620 pmol m'^ s'*, two days later 40 % of was stíll present in oxidized form at this irradiance. A fast pigment photobleaching at noon prevented the over-reduction of and thus it was one of the possible short-term acclimation processes. No severe photoinhibition of photosystem 2 (PS 2) photochemistry occurred within the period of investigation as can be judged from the high F^/F^ value.