An atmospheric station in Křešín by Pacov was launched June 17, 2013 on the occasion of observing the 25th anniversary of the global environmental observatory in Košetice. The stations of Košetice and Křešín by Pacov have been consolidated and it is a major research and monitoring infrastructure in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. It consists of two components — the observatory at Koetice, operated since 1988 by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the atmospheric station Křešín by Pacov, which began operations in June of this year. The atmospheric station was built and is administered by CzechGlobe, the Global Change Research Centre of the ASCR, and is situated 100 meters from the observatory. and Mirka Šprtová.
Česká republika se od konce dubna 2014 pyšní špičkovým vědeckým pracovištěm Centrum excelence CzechGlobe, které vzniklo při Centru výzkumu globální změny AV ČR v Brně a je jedním z osmi úspěšných projektů Operačního programu Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace (VaVpI) podporujících vznik evropských center excelence. Na vybudování a počáteční provoz bylo v uplynulých třech a půl letech vynaloženo bezmála 650 milionů korun z Evropského fondu regionálního rozvoje a ze státního rozpočtu. and Mirka, Šprtová.
The CzechGlobe project will seek to shed new light on a crucial and sometimes controversial environmental problem: monitoring Global Climate Change (GCC) and assessing its impact on the basic thematic segments of the atmosphere, and ecosystems and socioeconomic systems. The project will establish a centre of excellence within the framework of EU structural funds called Operational Programme of Research and Development for Innovations in the Czech Republic involving spatially distributed research infrastructure within the Czech Republic. CzechGlobe project is based on an international research team and partnerships with important foreign institutions, such as Helmholz Gemeinschaft Research Centre Jülich, Germany; Institute for Agroenvironmental and Forest Biology Research Rome, and the University of Zurich. One of the partners in this project is the Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR. and Mirka Šprtová.