The contribution deals with a deterministic-based structural optimisation (DBSO). The instroductory part of the paper covers a short overview of optimisation algorithms applicable to deterministic-based problems, general DBSO formulation and a target function(s) pattern for structural design. The following part gives attention to particular problem of general RC (reinforced concrete) cross-sectional design subjected to normal force and bending moments (ULS, i.e. ultimate limit state), where basic cross-sectional characteristics (cross-sectional dimensions, steel bars profiles and types of materials constitute an optimisation space with discrete attributes. The target function (including economical and ecological aspects) and principle problem solution(s) is defined and an illlustrative numerical example of a simple rectangular cross-section design is presented. The solution approach is further augmented to RC frame structures problems and a numerical example of a collector tube design is presented. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Reliability-Based Structural Optimisation (RBSO) incorporates probabilistic structural reliability analysis into structural optimisation. A sample definition of an RBSO problem and its solution are presented for the optimisation of an RC cross-section, which is subjected to combinations of normal force and bending moments. The presented RBSO algorithm utilizes the LHS (Latin Hypercube Sampling) approximate simulation method for reliability computations. Numerical results for the particular data set are presented. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper presents the entire formulation of longitudinal reinforcement minimisation in a concrete structure of known sections and shape under loading by normal force and bending moment. Constraint conditions are given by the conditions of structure reliability in accordance with the relevant codes for ultimate strength and applicability of the sections specified by a designer. Linearization of the non-linear formulation is described, and possibilities of applying linear programming algorithms are discussed. The functioning of the process described is demonstrated on a plane frame structure design. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Dissociative experiences are common both in children and adults. Their frequency and severity range from normal dissociation to pathological fragmentation of identity. High rates of dissociation and Dissociative Disorders have been documented in both community and clinical samples. Trauma, especially chronic trauma, plays an essential role in the development and long-term presence of dissociative symptoms. During overwhelming and often traumatic experiences dissociation protects the individual by psychological detachment from the unbearable reality. Chronic dissociative experiences might cause severe disintegration of the individual’s mental experience. The Trauma Model suggests that dissociation is a psychobiological response which enables survival during and after the traumatic event. The Developmental Model is based on an assumption that disturbed attachment, especially early interpersonal trauma, might lead to the development of severe dissociation in children and adolescents, often lasting into adulthood. Diagnostic systems include three diagnoses that deal with the specific relationship between trauma and dissociation. Two of these diagnoses have been recognized recently - Complex PTSD (ICD-11) and the Dissociative Subtype of PTSD (DSM-5); one has already been established - the Dissociative Identity Disorder. Patients with Dissociative Disorders suffer from a range of symptoms. The most severe symptoms include chronic suicidal ideation and frequent suicide attempts. Therefore, researchers and clinicians should routinely assess dissociation in their everyday practice. In patients with Dissociative Disorders, the main treatment goal is the integration of their mental experience. and Disociativní zkušenosti jsou u dětí i dospělých běžné. Jejich frekvence a závažnost se pohybu- jí od normální disociace po patologickou frag- mentaci identity. Vysoká míra disociace a diso- ciativních poruch se vyskytuje v komunitních a klinických vzorcích. Významnou roli při rozvoji a přetrvání disocia- tivních symptomů hraje trauma, zejména chro- nické. Disociace během zaplavujících a často traumatických prožitků chrání jedince prostřed- nictvím psychického odpojení od tíživé reality. Chronické disociativní zkušenosti mohou způ- sobit závažnou dezintegraci psychického proží- vání jedince. Traumatický model vzniku disociace postuluje, že disociace je psychobiologickou reakcí, jež umožňuje přežití jedince během a po traumatické události. Vývojový model vzniku disociace předpokládá, že narušená citová vazba, respektive rané interpersonální trauma, mohou vést k rozvoji závažného disociativního prožívání u dětí a adolescentů. Ukazuje se, že často přetrvává až do dospělosti. V diagnostických systémech o specifickém vztahu traumatu a disociace pojednávají především tři diagnostické jednotky, dvě nově vzniklé: Komplexní PTSD (ICD-11), Disociativní podtyp PTSD (DSM-5) a jedna stávající: Disociativní porucha identity. Pacienti s disociativními poruchami trpí řadou dalších symptomů. Nejzávažnější z nich jsou chronické suicidální ideace a časté pokusy o sebevraždu. Diagnostika disociace by měla být rutinní součástí práce výzkumníků a klinických odborníků. Hlavním cílem léčby disociativních poruch je integrace psychického prožívání jedince.
Based on the fuzzy probability distribution and its properties, the paper defines the fuzzy reliability and its characteristics for the double-stage probability model of object. Two fuzzy reliability models are described that are based on the Weibull fuzzy distribution. The results can be applied to determining the reliabililty of real objects in cases where pre-failure times are of a vague numerical type. and Obsahuje seznam literatury