Ewa Rumińska-Zimny přednáší genderová studia na Polské akademii věd a je prezidentkou Mezinárodního fóra pro ženy v akademii a obchodu na Varšavské vysoké škole ekonomické. Akademickou práci spojuje s prací pro Organizaci spojených národů. Autorsky a editorsky se podílela na přípravě řady zpráv OSN, například Zpráv o lidském rozvoji, a v Evropské hospodářské komisi OSN v Ženevě spolupracovala na hodnocení závazků přijatých na Konferenci OSN o ženách v Pekingu. Odborně se zabývá procesy tranzice ve východní a střední Evropě, feministickou ekonomií a genderovou rovností. Je členkou Mezinárodní asociace feministických ekonomů a ekonomek (IAFFE) a spoluzakladatelkou GEM-Europe, který je součástí globální vědecké sítě Gender a makroekonomika., Dr. Ewa Rumińska-Zimny is a lecturer in Gender Studies at the Polish Academy of Science and the President of the International Forum of Women in Academia and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combined academic work with work for the United Nations. Her work included writing and coordination of UN reports, e.g., Human Development Reports, analyses of the transition process in Eastern and Central Europe and reviews of progress in gender equality within the framework of the Beijing process at the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economists (IAFFE) and the initiator of GEM Europe, a part of the global network of researchers on Gender and Macroeconomics., Ewa Rumińska-Zimny, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Using company-level data from the Czech Republic dating from the years 1998, 2002, and 2004, the article examines whether the introduction of legislative measures aimed at gender equality in connection with the country’s accession to the European Union had significant effects on gender wage gaps. The main conclusion of the analysis is that within-job wage discrimination is a significant factor in the Czech labour market and that there were no substantive changes during the period studied. Women doing the same job in the same company earn about 10 per cent less than men in the Czech Republic. Much of the gender wage gap can be explained by horizontal and vertical gender segregation of the labour market. The lowest gender wage gaps are found in firms and groups of employees that are representative of or have strong ties to the socialist past. The article concludes with speculations about whether motherhood and the double-burden of women, combined with the lack of respect and authority accorded the path dependent legal system, results in legislative changes having little impact on practices in Czech society and in persistence gender wage discrimination., Alena Křížková, Andrew M. Penner, Trond Petersen., 3 tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper addresses the problem of growing uncertainties in the Czech labour market over the past 20 years with regard to the specific conditions of unskilled women struggling to integrate their paid work and unpaid work. The economic uncertainties and growing levels of global competition in production increase pressure for a transformation and flexibilisation of workforce. Actors occupying marginalised positions in the labour market tend to have lower levels of social capital and lower levels of work experience and education. At the same time, these people, including mothers caring for young children, find it difficult to cope with the increasing pressure for productivity and flexibility. The socioeconomic marginalisation of unskilled mothers is further strengthened by measures of the state’s social policy. The analysis at hand is based on three biographic interviews on the work trajectories of women whose highest level of education is vocational or lower. A biographic approach makes it possible to analyse the impact of structural and institutional conditions and social and cultural processes on the work and life trajectories of respondents. Their testimonies reveal the mechanisms of gender discrimination, social exclusion and subordination that unskilled mothers have to face in their personal lives and careers, and the strategies and resources they employ in order to cope with their situation., Lenka Formánková, Alena Křížková., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé