Marine monsters - Antennariidae. Family of Antennariidae include 250 species of marine fishes in the tropics and subtropics. Their adaptation, camouflage, hunting technique (to the bait) are unique.
Protection of red colobus monkey on Zanzibar. The red colobus monkey (Procolobus kirkii) is very endangered endemic species of Zanzibar islands. The species evolved in Pleistocene period after Zanzibar was separated from African coast by sea. Nowadays population is estimated to be around 2000 individuals and it is still declining. The red colobus monkey eat leaves and unripe fruit because it can´t digest sugar. The monkeys all called poison monkey (in Swahili kima punju) by locals, because they often destroy plantations by eating young leaves of the plants. They are widely hunted and killed because of that, but great proection by law was established and yearly the locals get financial compensations for their lost crops from government. Even though the killing has decline and even stop in some places the monkeys are still in danger. The biggest population is now found in Jozani National park on Unguja island.
Ve Vietnamu existuje kolem 30 národních parků, z nichž dva jsou věnované mořským ekosystémům. Autorka navštívila národní park u souostroví Con Dao a přibližuje pozorované druhy mořských živočichů i problémy s ochranou této oblasti. and In Vietnam there are two National Parks protecting marine ecosystems. The author visited the Con Dao Archipelago National Park. She describes the marine animal species observed and presents the nature conservation issues in that area.
Některé mořské krevety (Caridea) žijí v symbiotických asociacích se sasankami (Actiniaria). Článek přibližuje výhodnost tohoto soužití, způsob aklimatizace krevet na žahavé buňky sasanek a příklady druhů žijících v Rudém moři. and Marine true shrimps (Caridea) are swimming decapod crustaceans. Some of them live in symbiotic associations with sea anemones (Actinaria). The article presents the co-existence and the way in which shrimps have been adapted to cnidocytes of the anemones.