We have shown that computation speed is restricted by means of Bremermann’s limit derived from fundamental laws of physics. One can easily find an example of algorithm for which Bremermann’s limit is broken and therefore it cannot be accomplished using any computer. and V článku je ukázáno, že rychlost počítače omezuje Bremermannova mez určená z fundamentálních fyzikálních zákonů. Jsou uvedeny příklady úloh, které tuto mez snadno překračují, a proto je počítačem nelze vyřešit.
We set up axioms characterizing logical connective implication in a logic derived by an ortholattice. It is a natural generalization of an orthoimplication algebra given by J. C. Abbott for a logic derived by an orthomodular lattice.
An algebra A is uniform if for each ∅ ∈ Con A, every two classes of ∅ have the same cardinality. It was shown by W. Taylor that coherent varieties need not be uniform (and vice versa). We show that every coherent variety having transferable congruences is uniform.