Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite infecting 20-60% of humans in various countries, influences the behaviour of infected animal and human hosts. Infected human subjects have changes in several of Cattell's and Cloninger's personality factors. Recently, three independent studies have shown that Rh-positive subjects are protected against the T. gondii-induced changes of reaction times and increased risk of traffic accidents. Here we searched for evidence of similar effects of RhD phenotype on toxoplasmosis- or aging-associated changes in the personality profile of about 302 blood donors. We found that Rh-positive and Rh-negative subjects responded differently to toxoplasmosis. In addition to the already known effects of toxoplasmosis on novelty seeking, self transcendence, superego strength and protension, we also found effects of RhD phenotype on ego strength, protension, and praxernia, as well as opposite effects of toxoplasmosis on ego strength, praxernia, ergic tension and cooperativeness in Rh-positive and Rh-negative subjects. Moreover, our results indicate that RhD phenotype might influence not only the effect of toxoplasmosis but also the effect of aging on specific personality traits.
Parazitický způsob života je v přírodě nesmírně rozšířený a parazitismus jako takový je nesmírně zajímavý jev. Mezi zajímavé problémy spojené s parazitismem patří například efekt drogového dealera, efekt mafie a manipulační aktivita parazitů. Paraziti výrazně ovlivňují globální biodiverzitu. and The parasitic lifestyle is very common in nature and the parasitism itself, including the Drug Dealer Effect, Mafia Effect and Manipulation Activity of certain parasites. Among other things parasites have an significant impact on global biodiversity.