Mezi hlavní zájmy politiků patří politická, finanční i legislativní podpora svých volebních obvodů či bydlišť. Článek se pokouší odhalit pravidelnosti v prostorovém vzorci poslaneckých dotací, o kterých poslanci rozhodovali během projednávání návrhu státního rozpočtu v Poslanecké sněmovně (porcování medvěda), na základě analýzy významu lokalizace poslaneckých trvalých bydlišť pro jejich alokaci. Na úrovni okresů byla provedena analýza korelace dat přijatých pozměňovacích návrhů poslanců k návrhu státního rozpočtu ze sněmovních tisků a lokalizace poslaneckých trvalých bydlišť z volební databáze Českého statistického úřadu. Na úrovni obcí byly metodou lokálního indikátoru prostorové asociace LISA odhaleny prostorové shluky vysoké a nízké podpory poslaneckými dotacemi, které byly následně na půdorysu obvodů obcí s rozšířenou působností porovnány s trvalými bydlišti poslanců. Jejich rozmístění v několika případech odpovídalo příjmu poslaneckých dotací, obecná závislost se však nepotvrdila., Political, financial and legislative support of one’s own constituency or home location belongs to the main interests of politicians. The paper attempts to identify a spatial pattern in pork barrel grants allocated during the endorsement of draft state budgets by the Chamber of Deputies. The factor of deputies’ home locations is analysed. Correlation analysis at district level exploits Parliamentary Gazette data on approved deputies’ amendments to the draft state budget and a list of deputies’ home municipalities from electoral database of the Czech Statistical Office. At municipal level, a local indicator of spatial autocorrelation was employed to discover several spatial clusters of high and low pork barrel support, which was compared with deputies’ home locations. Although several pork barrel grants were allocated to these locations, no general correlation was confirmed., David Hána, Marie Feřtrová., and Seznam literatury
The article strives to contribute to the debate on the concept of corporate social responsibility by focusing on the under-researched area of the effects of firms’ grants on local and regional development from the perspective of local governments and inhabitants. This concept is typically studied from the corporate perspective. While normally ignored, the spatial dimension plays a substantial role in firms’ grant allocation decisions. The article tries to fill the gap by studying the case of spatial distribution of financial grants of the ČEZ Corporation to communities in the vicinity of the Dukovany nuclear plant, which is located at the peripheral border of the regions of Vysočina and South Moravia. The considerable amounts of money
sent to local budgets are intended to compensate communities near the nuclear plant for the risks related to its existence.
The first aim of the article is to present the spatial distribution of selected ČEZ grants to communities near the Dukovany plant and to compare them with the mean revenues of local budgets in 2003–2012. The second aim is to present in more detail selected ČEZ grants to communities near the Dukovany plant in 2003–2012 and the ways they were earmarked. The data was drawn from publicly available databases on local budgets, annual reports of the ČEZ Foundation, which distributes a large part of ČEZ grants, and interviews with members of local governments and the ČEZ Foundation on additional grants allocated on a contract basis to communities in the immediate vicinity of the power plant.
Although mean per capita local revenue exhibits a relatively even distribution (except for above-average revenues in the five-kilometre Emergency Planning Zone), ČEZ Foundation grants were distributed unevenly, with communities further away from the power plant receiving considerably lower financial support. The municipalities of Rouchovany and Dukovany where the power plant is located obtained the most money, especially after 2003 when an expansion of its medium-term nuclear waste facility was underway. The distribution became more-or-less even in the final years of the period studied. The local governments earmarked a significant majority of the grants for infrastructure improvements. The grants played
a substantial role in the budgets of local communities that exist in the peripheral region marked by considerable economic difficulties. They allowed the local governments to fund projects that would have been fully beyond the scope of their budgets, thus importantly contributing to improving their image, local facilities, and local people’s quality of life. ČEZ Corporation’s activities have been a significant help for the region and some communities have reached such level of facilities that exceeds regional standard. The region’s peripheral nature, which was one of the reasons for building the power plant, has been changing due to the plant owner’s grants, helping the territory somewhat escape traditional definitions of periphery. ČEZ Corporation’s grants have gradually become an important part of the revenues of local governments and an important impetus for their development. The long-term and systematic effects of the extensive and more-or-less stable grants may have influenced the region’s development much more than any other development programme. Along with the growing pressure for corporate social responsibility, the study of this topic can help us understand not only the developmental effects of CSR but also CSR as a relatively new mechanism of regional development in general.