Assuming tho exlstence of organised photospheric velocltly tlelds In an actlve region, we study the creatlon of photospherIc and coronal D.C. currents by vortex rriotlons. Vortex motions leading to opposlte
temporal evolutions of the magnetic flux In old and new centres of activlty create two systems of coronal currents flowlng along the lines of force which, In the active region complex, connect tbe old centre of activlty to the new. The magnetic energy stored In these currents Is hlgher than the energy of the largest flares. The two systems of coronal currents are inside two dlfferent magnetic cells. They Interact along the separator which Is tho Intersectlon of the magnetlc llne surfaces that separate the magnetic cells produced by the photospheric magnetic sourcos. Due to sourco motlons and electrlc current evolutlon, the separator may bo the location of reconnection of the magnetlc fleld. This reconnectlon wouid affect the magnetic fleid of tho various loops of the two current systems and couid lead to an interruption of the currents that wouid release qulckly the stored magnetlc energy. The separator crossing the two current systems, these intabilities couid affect all the loops and produce ribbon flares.