Avifauna Islandu je celkově chudší na ptačí druhy než avifauna česká, je však poměrně bohatá zejména na vodní ptáky a bahňáky. Z teoretického hlediska je zajímavá i tím, které druhy postrádá ve srovnání s ptactvem odpovídající zeměpisné šířky ve Skandinávii. and In Iceland fewer bird species occur than in the Czech Republic, but the former country is relatively rich in waterfowl and waders. In addition, some species occurring at the same latitude in Scandinavia are missing on this island.
Long-term spring phenological instants of 57 migratory bird species, i.e. arrival in summer visitors and departure in winter visitors, were recorded in South Moravia (Czech Republic) from 1952 through 2001 and evaluated for annual correspondence with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) weather system. The migration instants occurred significantly earlier following positive winter/spring NAO index values (causing periods warmer than normal in Europe) in a number of short-distance migrants with a European winter range (e.g., Alauda arvensis, Columba palumbus, Corvus frugilegus, Motacilla alba, Phoenicurus ochruros, Phylloscopus collybita, Serinus serinus, Sturnus vulgaris, Vanellus vanellus), whereas they did not correlate with NAO in most long-distance migrants having a sub-Saharan winter range (e.g., Acrocephalus spp., Anthus trivialis, Apus apus, Cuculus canorus, Delichon urbica, Ficedula albicollis, Hippolais icterina, Hirundo rustica, Jynx torquilla, Lanius collurio, Locustella spp., Muscicapa striata, Oriolus oriolus, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Riparia riparia, Streptopelia turtur, Sylvia spp.). The winter/spring (especially February and March) NAO conditions thus affect the migration timing of short-distance migrants that winter in western or southern Europe, and could explain their earlier than normal arrival that had been observed in Europe since the 1980s.